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Department of Animal Sciences

Krauss Dairy, Wooster

Krauss Dairy

The Krauss Dairy Center provides cows for research and is home to the Animal Sciences’ bio-mass to energy conversion laboratory.

Krauss Dairy maintains a herd of approximately 120 lactating cows for mastitis, nutrition, and reproduction experiments. The breed of dairy cows in the herd is Holstein.  Lactating cows are housed in either a 144-free-stall barn or 48-tie-stall barn. Cows are milked twice daily in a double-3 side-opening parlor. Stalls for lactating cows are bedded with either recycled manure solids or sawdust. Areas used for physiology and nutrition experiments include six digestion stalls and eight stalls with closed circuit video recording.

Pregnant, non-lactating cows are managed in either free-stall housing or on pasture. The maternity and calving barn has 14 box stalls bedded with straw and shavings. Calves are raised in hutches until weaned from milk. Weaned calves are in loose housing and grouped by age. Breeding age heifers are in a free-stall barn and pastured during summer.

The Dairy Nutition Lab provides microbial information for milk and bedding samples submitted by dairy producers, veterinarians, and field service people to the dairy industry. The OARDC Mastitis Lab is located in Gerlaugh Hall on the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center campus in Wooster, Ohio.

dairy barn dairy calves