Year | Photo | Team | Results |
2001 | L to R: Wendy Funderburg, N Lewisburg; Bryan Bradley, Blue Rock; Sara Still, Hilliard; Ryan Brunk, Germantown; Jake Osborn, Lynchburg; Josh Starrett, Cumberland; Sandra Gruber, Clayton; Dr. Tom Turner, Coach | Second, Eastern National; Third, Keystone; Ninth, Kansas City; Sandra Gruber, All-American, Third, Eastern National, Seventh, Keystone; Jake Osborn, Fifth, Eastern National; Ryan Brunk, Sixth, Keystone | |
2002 | L to R: Sara Wilson, Hillsboro; Beth Michaels, Clyde; Jaime Bard, Bellevue; Andy Weaver, Quincy; Jamie King, Tiffin; John Tangeman, New Bremen; Amanda Liffiton, Wapakoneta; Jeremy Fabian, Bloomingdale; Erica Arnett, Tipp City; Rachel McCoy, Hillsboro; Sasha Dodds, Springfield; Dr. Tom Turner, Coach | First, Keystone; third, All East Evaluation; Fourth, All East Combined, Mid- South. Jamie King, All-American; Sasha Dodds, Second, Keystone; Erica Arnett, Third, Keystone; Rachel McCoy, Fourth, Keystone, Tenth, All East Evaluation | |
2003 | L to R: Stephanie Mullett, Coshocton; Kevin Brueggemeier, Pemberville; Justin Kieffer, Bowling Green; Ryan Bockbrader, Perrysburg; Kenny Wells, Cumberland; Susan Belleville, Bowling Green; Dr. Tom Turner, Coach | First, All East Combined, All East Evaluation; Second, All East Selection, Keystone; sixth, All East Judging, National Barrow Show; Seventh, World Beef Expo, Grand National Cow Palace. Susan Belleville, All American, Fifth, All East Evaluation, sixth, All East Combined, Eighth, World Beef Expo, Tenth, Keystone; Ryan Bockbrader, All-American; Kenny Wells, First, All East Combined, Second All East Evaluation, Third, Mid-South, Seventh, National Contest, Keystone, All East Selection, Tenth, Grand National Cow Palace; Kevin Brueggemeier, first, All East Evaluation, Fifth, All East Combined, Sixth national Barrow Show; Justin Kieffer, Fourth, Keystone, ninth, All East Evaluation. | |
2004 | L to R: Kristine Hooker, Wakeman; Denetria Harding, Caldwell; Andrea Garmyn, Hicksville; David Semple, Seaman; Dan Wells, Chillicothe; Ashley Bushman, Pemberville; David O'Diam, Farmersville; Sara Cleversy, Perry; Tommy Wells, Whipple; Terri Specht, Sugarcreek; Dr. Tom Turner, Coach | First, All East Combined, All East Evaluation, Keystone; third, American Royal, Grand National Cow Palace, Mid-South, All East Judging; Fifth, All East Selection; Ninth, National Contest, Terri Specht, All-American, High Individual, Keystone, Fourth, All East Evaluation, Tenth All East Combined; Andrea Garmyn, All- American, third, All East Evaluation, Seventh, All East Combined, Eighth, Keystone; Dan Wells, High Individual, All East; Dave O'Diam, High Individual, All East Evaluation, Third, All East, Fifth, Keystone, Seventh, Grand National Cow Palace, tenth, American Royal; Ashley Bushman, Fourth, Keystone, Sixth All East, Ninth, Mid-South; David Semple, Third, Keystone, Sixth, All East Evaluation; Denetria Harding, Sixth Keystone; Kristine Hooker, eighth, All East Evaluation | |
2005 | L to R: Danielle Gerstner, Wapakoneta; Nate Cooley, Williamsfield; Derek Brake, Marysville; Joe Kapp, Curtice; Erin Pennell, Waterville; Dr. Tom Turner, Coach | Second, Eastern National, All-East Evaluation; Fourth, Keystone, Fifth All-East (Combined); sixth, All-East Judging; Seventh, All-East Selection; Joe Kapp, fourth, All-East Judging; Ninth, All-East Evaluation; fifth, All-East Combined; third, Eastern National; fifth, Keystone; Erin Pennell, Fifth, Eastern National; Derek Brake, Tenth, Keystone; All-East Evaluation. | |
2006 | L to R: Cassie Mumaw, New Philadelphia; Kay Ruck, Geneva; Roy Ulrich, West Alexandria; Stacey Johnson, Minerva; Jennifer Hines, Piqua; Dr. Tom Turner, Coach | Second, All-East Combined, All-East Evaluation, Eastern National, Keystone; Fifth, All-East Judging; Eighth, Mid-South; Tenth, National Barrow Show. Stacey Johnson, second Keystone, Fifth, All-East Combined, Eastern National, eighth, All-East judging; Cassie Mumaw, second, Eastern National, seventh, All-East Evaluation; Roy Ulrich, sixth, Eastern National, tenth, All-East Evaluation; Kay Ruck, Ninth, Keystone, tenth, All-East Combined; Jennifer Hines, Eighth, Eastern National | |
2007 | L to R: Elizabeth Homerosky, Oak Hill; Erin Cole, Mt. Blanchard; Sarah Wells, Cumberland; Katie Houk, Poland; Joel Anderson, South Salem; Tim Sautter, Helena; Lucas Regula, Wapakoneta; Dr. Tom Turner, Coach | First, All-East Combined, All-East Evaluation; Second, Eastern National, Keystone, third, All East Selection, All-East Judging; Sixth, Mid-South; tenth, American Royal. Elizabeth Homerosky, All-American; Third, Keystone; fourth, Eastern National; Sarah Wells, All-American; Third, All-East Evaluation; Lucas Regula, third, Eastern National; Fourth, All-East Evaluation; Tim Sautter, Seventh, Keystone; All-East Evaluation; Joel Anderson, Fourth, Keystone; Katie Houk, Fifth, All-East Evaluation | |
2008 | L to R: Joel Anderson, Assistant Coach; Mike Wagner, Marion; Josh Waugh, Crown City; Clayton Cook, Carroll; Andy Schroeder, Ottowa; Caleb Bohrer, Hillsboro; Dr. Tom Turner, Coach | Second, All-East Evaluation; Third, Keystone; Fifth, Mid-South. Mike Wagner, Second, All-East Evaluation, fifth, Keystone; Clayton Cook, third, Keystone | |
2009 | L to R: Mandy Mettler, Caldwell; Sam Baer, New Waterford; Christina Egner, Shelby; Adam Schmerge, Botkins; Molly Creamer, Prospect; Nikki Morgan, Georgetown, PA; Tim Wyszynski, Diamond; Dr. Tom Turner, Coach | First, Eastern National, Second Keystone International, All-East Evaluation, Natalie Miller, All-American; Third, Eastern National; Ninth, Keystone; Tim Wyszynski, first, Eastern National; third, Keystone; Christina Egner, fifth, Eastern National; Molly Creamer, seventh Keystone; tenth, Eastern National; Sam Baer, eighth, Eastern National; Tenth, All-East Evaluation | |
2010 | L to R: Kyle Culp, Coach; Larissa Hileman, Portsmouth; Alissa Malott, Castalia; Jarrod Ellis, Franklin; Mike Dyer, Wooster; Ben Bohrer, Hillsboro; Rachael Royer, Mentor; Molly Fraizer, Mansfield; Hanna Lemle, Monclova; Dr. Tom Turner, Coach | First, Eastern National; Second, Keystone; Ben Bohrer, First, Eastern National; Seventh, Keystone; Mike Dyer, Fourth, Eastern National; Hanna Lemle, Seventh, Eastern National; Alissa Malott, Ninth Keystone |