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Department of Animal Sciences


Buckeye Dairy Club’s 2013 Annual Reception

May. 31, 2013
Jacquelyn Sherry, President, Buckeye Dairy Club On Saturday, April 20, 2013, the Buckeye Dairy Club held its first annual reception at the home of John and Bonnie Ayars in Mechanicsburg, Ohio with about 60 people in attendance. In prior years, the Club and the Department of Animal Sciences held an annual dairy banquet, but in 2013, the Department held a broad spectrum recognition banquet for highlighting the achievements of all students. Thus, the Club initiated this reception that was held prior to the Department’s banquet. Upon arrival to the reception, family members and guests were treated to snacks as they mingled. Retiring President Ashlee Dietz lead the program recognizing outstanding members. Students who have put in a tremendous effort through the Club and other activities were honored with an embroidered duffel bag. The outstanding members were: Freshman - Kaitlyn Hinds, Sophomore - Joey Brown, Junior - Sarah Finney, and Senior - Ashlee Dietz. The prestigious member was awarded to Sarah Finney for her dedication to Buckeye Dairy Club and contributions to other activities around campus. Members of the dairy judging teams and dairy challenge teams were honored for their hard work throughout the year, competing at various contests around the United States. Graduating seniors were recognized and there was an exchange of officers. The yearbook was dedicated to Bernie Heisner for his continued support of the Club and judging teams. He has been a key player in helping students to achieve goals as he traveled to many contests with students, listening to an endless number of sets of reasons for class placings. President Jacquelyn Sherry spoke about future activities, such as the Midwest American Dairy Science Association-Student Affiliate Division  (ADSA-SAD) Conference that will be hosted by Ohio State in February 2014, and an officer retreat planned for this summer where many activities for the year will be planned.  The recognition program was wrapped up with a special thank you to the Ayars family and to Dr. Eastridge and John Lemmermen for all of their continued support.