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After 35 years of service, Dr. Francis Fluharty, Animal Sciences Research Professor, has announced he will retire in May 2018. His career has been devoted to assisting food animal producers through research and educational programs aimed at improving animal health and growth while improving profitability, part of his belief that “food animal agriculture must first be economically sustainable for farm families.”
This week, a newly formed Ohio-based company had two animals harvested and processed in The Ohio State University Meat Laboratory for photographs of meat cuts conforming to the Institutional Meat Purchase Specifications (IMPS). The IMPS is the standard used by hotels, restaurants, and other food service distributors when purchasing meat cuts. The work was being conducted by Ron Cramer, Manager of the Meat Laboratory, and Dr. Lyda Garcia, an Assistant Professor and Meat Scientist in the Department of Animal Sciences.
CFAES News: feat. Dr. Francis Fluharty
An Sci Seminar on Thursday, September 17 at 4:10
Seminar Format – One full-length seminar Places – Animal Science Bldg 212 & Gerlaugh 122