The 2017 Animal Welfare Judging/Assessment Contest was held November 18-19 at Iowa State University (ISU) in Ames, Iowa. One of the two Animal Sciences' undergraduate teams and the College of Veterinary Medicine's team placed first in their respective divisions. Undergraduate Heather Pechtl was 1st place high individual for the undergraduate division. Team members on the first plce undergraduate team include: Grace Moeller, Taylor Klass, Anna Garrett, Heather Pechtl, Julia Rose and coach Monique Pairis-Garcia. Jillian Garrison was 4th place high individual in the veterinary division. Team members include: Jillian Garrison, Meghan Studds, Clara Bruner and coach Emma Bratton. Competitors assessed the welfare of finisher pigs, meat rabbits, racing greyhounds, and farmed fish. Competitors also got a chance to tour the ISU College of Veterinary Medicine and listen to Dr. Temple Grandin speak about animal welfare.