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Department of Animal Sciences


Eastridge Receives Purdue Alumni Award

Oct. 3, 2013

Dr. Maurice Eastridge received a Mid-Career Distinguished Alumni Award in late September from the Purdue University Department of Animal Sciences. The photo shows Dr. Eastridge (left) receiving the award from Dr. Alan Mathew, Head, Department of Animal Sciences, Purdue University.

The alumni awards "recognize the achievements of graduates from the Department of Animal Sciences and to recognize alumni who have demonstrated excellence in industry, academia, governmental service or other endeavors as exemplified by leadership, community service and professional accomplishments."

Excerpts from the awards program:

"Dr. Eastridge has been on the faculty in the Department of Animal Sciences at The Ohio State University since March 1986. He was promoted to Associate Professor in 1991 and Full Professor in 1999 and has held an adjunct appointment in the Department of Veterinary Preventive at Ohio State since 1995. His primary responsibilities include teaching, Extension, and research in dairy cattle nutrition. He serves as the academic advisor for 35 undergraduates and one to four graduate students. He coaches the Ohio State Dairy Challenge teams and presently serves on the Board of Directors for this program."

"Dr. Eastridge has maintained recognizable achievement in research, with 27 publications in peer-reviewed journals and book chapters and over 140 publications during the last 10 years focusing on fiber and fat utilization by dairy cattle. At the university and college levels, he has been recognized for his outstanding service to students and student development, and has received several awards for his Extension programs, including the DeLaval Dairy Extension Award (2001) from the American Dairy Science Association (ADSA). He received the 2013 ADSA Nutrition Professionals, Inc. Applied Dairy Nutrition Award. He has chaired the Planning Committee for the annual Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference ( for 22 years, is editor of the Buckeye Dairy News (, and subject matter leader for the "Nutrition of Milking and Dry Cows" for the Dairy Community of Practice (CoP) in eXtension and is assisting with the development of an animal welfare CoP in eXtension."