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Department of Animal Sciences


Hull and Weaver Inducted into Dairy Science Hall of Service 2015

March 30, 2015

Dr. Leon Weaver (right) and Dr. Bruce Hull (left) were inducted into the Dairy Science Hall of Service Friday night at the Department of Animal Sciences annual recognition event, An Evening of Excellence.

Dr. Bruce Hull

Dr. Bruce Hull was born in Albany, NY, and received pre-veterinary training and the DVM degree from Cornell University and a MS degree from Iowa State University. Dr. Hull and his wife (Margaret; also a veterinarian) have 2 daughters (Kimberly and Kristina).

Dr. Hull was on the faculty in the OSU College of Veterinary Medicine from 1976-2003 as a surgeon. During his career, he published over 70 articles in peer-reviewed journals, book chapters, and periodicals. One of his landmark contributions occurred from his MS research which demonstrated that hypocalcemia is a causative factor to abomasal displacement in dairy cattle. He co-authored the text book “Techniques in Large Animal Surgery”, which is used in many veterinary schools. He has trained many veterinary students at Ohio State and given lectures in Canada, Brazil, Australia, South Africa, and Europe.

He has received several teaching awards at Ohio State. In addition, he received an Award of Excellence by the American Association of Bovine Practitioners (AABP) in 2004, and in 2008, was recognized by AABP with Mentor of the Year Award for his outstanding mentoring of veterinary students, residents, and graduate students throughout his career.

One of the letters of recommendation noted that “Dr. Hull was the ‘go to’ veterinarian at The Ohio State University for large animal evaluation and surgery. Many of the prominent breeders in all dairy breeds in Ohio and surrounding states sent their most valuable cows to OSU to get the best diagnosis and surgical performance if needed by Dr. Hull.” In another letter, it was stated that “Dr. Hull has been a vital part of our business since the 1977’s.”

Dr. Hull has certainly trained and guided many students at Ohio State who are now veterinarians or actively involved in animal agriculture. The recognition provided as a recipient of the Dairy Science Hall of Service Award acknowledges Dr. Hull’s clinical and surgical expertise that aided the dairy industry and his effectiveness at sharing this knowledge with OSU students.



Dr. Leon Weaver

Dr. Weaver was born in New Holland, PA and received a bachelor’s degree from Goshen College in IN and the DVM degree from Cornell University. He was in private veterinary practice in CA and NM and was on the faculty at the University of California-Davis from 1983- 1 997. Leon and his wife (Nancy) have 2 sons (Chris and Ryan) and 4 grandchildren.

The first dairy farm for the Bridgewater Dairy Group was founded in 1 998.  The Group’s main dairy farm is located in Montpelier, OH, with additional farms in Fremont, IN and Lyons, OH. Together, the 3 farms house 7000 cows (~25,000 RHA milk, 3X) and 5000 acres. The farms are operated by Leon, Nancy, and Chris. The dairy manages livestock nutrients using anaerobic digestion and co-generation of electricity and partial composting and recycling of manure solids as bedding. The farm participates in the USDA Conservation Reserve Program, Warm Seasons Grasses Program, the Lake Erie Watershed Buffer Strip Program, and the Conservation Security Program.

Dr. Weaver has provided leadership to many facets of Ohio’s dairy industry, including serving on the Ohio Livestock Coalition, Ohio Dairy Producers Association, Ohio Dairy Industry Forum, ODA Livestock Environmental Permitting Program Advisory Board, Ohio Animal Care Board, and was appointed by the Secretary of Ag. to the USDA Agricultural Air Quality Task Force. As one of the letters emphasized, “Dr. Weaver was able to change the culture of dairying in Ohio.”

He has been very supportive of students at Ohio State. He has lectured in many classes, hosted students on his farm in internships, and hired several OSU graduates. He has been very supportive of Extension and research programs.

Dr. Weaver has made many substantial contributions toward the advancement of Ohio’s dairy industry during a critical period of time. The recognition provided as a recipient of the Dairy Science Hall of Service Award acknowledges Dr. Weaver’s many contributions to the dairy industry and the training and employment of OSU students.