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Department of Animal Sciences


Ohio Make It With Wool

July 14, 2015

Have you have ever seen the acronym “MIWW” and wondered what it stood for?  “MIWW” is known throughout the nation as Make It With Wool.  The contest is dedicated to promoting the use and wearing of wool whether it is utilizing knitting, crocheting, sewing or felting one-of-a-kind designs.  The contest is open to all ages and promises to be a great creative as well as learning experience!  Contestants first must compete in his or her home state…yes; I did say “HIS” because guys throughout the nation have been known to make some awesome garments for this contest!  Selected winners will then be awarded a wonderful trip to a designated area (all expenses paid) to compete on a national level.  This year, the nationals will be held at the beautiful Scottsdale Plaza Resort in Scottsdale, Arizona, January 28-30.  Think about it… a great mini vacation at a beautiful sunny resort vs. a cold wintery day in Ohio…I can see you getting out your sewing machine right now!

There are several categories in the Ohio Make It With Wool contest.  Pre-teen-ages 12 and under; Juniors, ages 13-16; Seniors- ages 17-25; Adults- ages 25 and older; Made for others- any age;  Wearable accessory- any age.  Your age is determined by January 1, 2015.  The state Junior and Senior winners will automatically compete in the national competition.  The state adult winner will submit a DVD presentation of his/her garment and the top winners will then send the actual garment for further judging.  The overall adult winner will then also be flown to Scottsdale for the national fashion revue.  This past year Ohio was proudly represented by Dianne Galloway who was the national Adult winner; Meighan Stevens who received 2nd runner-up in the national Senior Division and Kris Puckrin who was the Junior National winner!  Ohio has always been a strong national contender and we want to keep it that way!  Go Buckeyes!! 

Garments must be constructed of at least 60 percent wool/wool fibers.  All fabrics/yarns will be tested by the Montana Wool Testing Lab.  All results are final.  You can do a pre-test at home by using the Clorox test or the burn test.  This will give you a good indication of the amount of wool present, but the final decision will come from the official Montana lab.  Details of the Clorox and burning test may be found on the national make it with wool site or through our state brochure.

The prizes are always a highlight of the competition whether it be state or national.  This year, the state competition will be held in beautiful Southern Ohio at the University of Rio Grande in Rio Grande, Ohio.  The University of Rio Grande will not only be hosting the event, but will be giving the senior AND junior state winner a $1000.00 scholarship which will be renewable for 4 years.  (The scholarships will be held until you are college age if you are in the younger division)  Sewing supplies and notions, resource supplies and beautiful wool fabrics/yarns will also be given away at the state level.  On the national level, sewing machines, surgers, more scholarships and prizes will also be given away.  And lets not forget the learning experiences and friendships that will be made at all levels of competitions! 

If you would like to learn more, check out the national site at or the Ohio face book page Make It With Wool for more details. Or, you may contact me, Melinda Schrader Stevens via email at or through the Ohio face book page and I will send you a brochure with entry form and more details.  The Ohio MIWW Contest is sponsored by the Ohio Sheep Improvement Association through a wool outreach grant from the American Sheep Industry.

The state contest will be held Saturday, November 7, 2015.  Entries must be postmarked by September and received by October 5, 2015 to be eligible for competition.
SEW let’s get creative!  We know “ewe” can do it!

By: Melinda Stevens, Ohio Make It With Coordinator