Circleville, OH- Saddle and Sirloin Club rang in the new year in a big way, hosting their inaugural Saddle and Sirloin Spectacular cattle show on December 29-31. While students in the organization are no stranger to livestock show management and have facilitated youth opportunities frequently, this is the first year for their cattle show.
The show was overwhelmingly successful, running nearly 400 head (193 breeding heifers and 194 market animals)– through two rings. Show Chairs and Department of Animal Sciences students Erin Pope, Savannah Kinley, and Collin Fedderke worked alongside other club members over the holiday weekend to ensure a positive experience for families and exhibitors.
While club membership is comprised of a variety of majors, Animal Sciences students and those with backgrounds in agriculture make up a large majority. For many, hosting these opportunities for youth is especially rewarding.
“Putting on the Saddle and Sirloin Spectacular is one event that the club looks forward to the most throughout the year, because it gives us a chance to give back to the community and industry that so many of our members come from,” shared Kamryn Kreis, president of Saddle and Sirloin at the Ohio State University.
“It takes months of planning and hard work, but it is extremely rewarding to see all the exhibitors and families that took time out of their holiday weekend to spend it with us in Circleville doing what they love.”
Please join us in congratulating our students on a successful Saddle and Sirloin Spectacular.