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Department of Animal Sciences


William E. Krauss Director's Award for Outstanding Publication by a Graduate Student, Yusheng Guo

March 25, 2022
William E. Krauss Director's Award for Outstanding Publication by a Graduate Student, Yusheng Guo

Yusheng Guo, Graduate Research Associate in the Department of Animal Sciences and Center for Food Animal Health

Advised by Anastasia Vlasova
Assistant Professor in the Department of Animal Sciences and Center for Food Animal Health

Yusheng Guo was a graduate research associate at the Ohio State University who earned his Ph.D. in December 2021 under the supervision of Dr. Anastasia Vlasova. Yusheng specializes in the field of virology and cell biology, and his specific research emphasis is on the evaluation of the role of cell surface glycans in rotavirus (RV) infection. He has made a lot of effort to pursue his academic goals. During his PhD study, he generated three first-author manuscripts (two published, one in preparation), he also published one manuscript as a co-author. Yusheng presented his work in scientific meetings including the annual meeting of the American Society for Virology, and received travel awards. He will continue his research career as a postdoc at Yale University. When not doing research, playing video games or badminton are Yusheng’s favorite activities. Photography is a new passion that Yusheng has started pursuing just recently, and he keeps practicing to develop his skills as a photographer. Congratulations Yusheng Guo!