The Animal Sciences Hall of Fame Committee is soliciting nominations for the ANIMAL SCIENCES HALL OF FAME. The award will be presented at the Animal Sciences Spring Awards Program, to be held Friday, April 13, 2018 from 3-5pm in Price Arena.
The following criteria need to be considered when making nominations:
- Nominees will be considered who were bona fide majors in the department at The Ohio State University and who graduated twenty (20) or more years ago.
- Nominees must have demonstrated superior skill and achieved success for themselves. Their major career activity must be in an area related to Animal Sciences.
- The nominee shall have practiced service to others. Such activity includes giving of time, energy and thoughtfulness to their profession, local, state or national efforts, and or support of their local community. A reasonable amount of participation in statewide or national affairs is desirable.
- Consideration of nominees in the areas of animal production, academia and allied industry will be used in selection.
- Current and retired faculty/staff of the Department of Animal Sciences at The Ohio State University are not eligible.
The Hall of Fame Selection committee is soliciting nominations, with adequate justification, for the Animal Sciences Hall of Fame. The nomination should provide information on how the nominee excels in the listed award assessment criteria. The deadline for the nominations is January 31th. Please send nominations by e-mail ( or mail to (Steve Boyles, Department of Animal Sciences, Plumb Hall, 2027 Coffey Rd., Columbus, Ohio 43210-1094). Nominations will be forwarded to the selection committee.