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Day earns Animal Physiology and Endocrinology Award
By Samantha Kneeskern, ASAS Communications
July 9, 2015 – Dr. Michael Day, professor at The Ohio State University (OSU) and OSU Beef Center Supervisor, is the recipient of this year’s Animal Physiology and Endocrinology Award. He will be honored at the 2015 ADSA-ASAS Joint Annual Meeting in Orlando.
Day earned his B.S. degree at the University of Missouri and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees at the University of Nebraska working under the direction of Dr. Jim Kinder. In 1985, Day joined The Ohio State University faculty.
His distinguished research career focuses on endocrine regulation of pubertal, ovarian follicular and uterine processes in cattle, with estrous cycle control as a constant component of his program. Day’s principle discoveries are embedded in how the endocrine system impacts reproductive physiology to enhance probability of reproductive success.
His research provides significant insight into important fundamental endocrine/physiological mechanisms that need to be regulated for development of effective and practical programs for heifer development and estrous cycle control.
As with findings relative to puberty, his research in follicular maturity has been applied to estrous control programs in collaborative research with Brazil to enhance timed AI pregnancy rates.
He has a strong peer-refereed scientific publication and graduate student education record. International and industry collaborations have been key components of his research endeavors. Day also contributes to many extension programs on a state, national and international scale and is highly respected for his beef reproduction outreach engagements.
Day has sustained many activities with the American Society of Animal Science, highlighted by him serving as President of the Midwest Section of the Society in 2000.
The Animal Physiology and Endocrinology Award is sponsored by the James W. Lauderdale Appreciation Club. The American Society of Animal Science is a professional organization that serves more than 5,000 animal scientists and producers around the world.