Department Roundup: Department Roundup 2015 08 18
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Welcome to the Department of Animal Sciences newsletter. Send your submissions to hendrick.17, and they will go in the next version.
Ongoing Training for Faculty and Staff at Ohio State
Grant Opportunities
New Faculty!
Dr. Lisa Bielke and Dr. Sheila Jacobi joined the department in August as assistant professor of intestinal microbiology and assistant professor of non-ruminant nutrition, respectively. Please welcome these two talented scientists to the department. Both are located in Gerlaugh Hall, Wooster.
Summer Graduates
Congratulations to the 2015 summer semester graduates:
Katelyn Barnhart (advisor: Kimberly Cole)
Ashley Markazi (advisor: Ramesh Selvaraj)
Caitlyn Massie (EOS*) (advisor: Jeff Firkins)
Jessica Pempek (EOS*) (advisor: Maurice Eastridge)
*EOS: End of Semester
Visit the Department of Animal Sciences web site for recent news:
- Recent meat program activities at the Young Cattlemen’s Conference and at Team Cuisine Cooks Camp
- Ohio State Fair Hall of Fame Inductees: Gene Isler and Lucinda Miller
- 2015 Statewide Sheep Shearing School
- Ohio State Alumni Award Recipients with Animal Sciences backgrounds: Jack Fisher and William Simon
Send news to hendrick.17.
Coming Events
Click here for more events info...
Thursday, August 20, 2015 - 10:00am
Columbus: 212 Animal Science BuildingMonday, August 24, 2015 - 1:00pm
Animal Sciences Graduate Student Orientation
212 Animal Science BuildingThursday, August 27, 2015 - 5:00pm
2015 Beef and Forage Field Night
PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. $5 per person. Registration deadline is August 24. Includes dinner.Thursday, August 27, 2015 - 5:00pm
ASGSA MeetingThursday, September 3, 2015 - 5:00pm
Faculty and Student Mixer
RSVP by August 31.Thursday, September 10, 2015 - 4:30pm
Back to School Bash
Northwest end of Fred Beekman Park.Friday, September 18, 2015 - 3:30pm
P&T. Video link available.Thursday, September 24, 2015
OSU New Faculty Reception
Ohio Union, Great Hall Meeting RoomFriday, October 9, 2015
CFAES Homecoming weekendThursday, October 15, 2015
Wooster -
Recently Published / Presented
Chung HY, Choi YJ, Park HN, Davis ME. 2015. Associations between genetic variants in the promoter region of the insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF1) gene and blood serum IGF1 concentration in hanwoo cattle. Genetics and Molecular Research 14(2):3026-35.
Cray JA, Stevenson A, Ball P, Bankar SB, Eleutherio ECA, Ezeji TC, Singhal RS, Thevelein JM, Timson DJ, Hallsworth JE. 2015. Chaotropicity: A key factor in product tolerance of biofuel-producing microorganisms. Curr Opin Biotechnol 33:228-59.
Dodson MV, Allen RE, Du M, Bergen WG, Velleman SG, Poulos SP, Fernyhough-Culver M, Wheeler MB, Duckett SK, Young MRI, and others. 2015. INVITED REVIEW: Evolution of meat animal growth research during the past 50 years: Adipose and muscle stem cells. J Anim Sci 93(2):457-81.
Hackmann TJ and Firkins JL. 2015. Electron transport phosphorylation in rumen butyrivibrios: Unprecedented ATP yield for glucose fermentation to butyrate. Frontiers in Microbiology 6:622.
Harstine BR, Maquivar M, Helser LA, Utt MD, Premanandan C, DeJarnette JM, Day ML. 2015. Effects of dietary energy on sexual maturation and sperm production in holstein bulls. J Anim Sci 93(6):2759-66.
Shanmugasundaram R, Kogut MH, Arsenault RJ, Swaggerty CL, Cole K, Reddish JM, Selvaraj RK. 2015. Effect of salmonella infection on cecal tonsil regulatory T cell properties in chickens. Poult Sci 94(8):1828-35.
Poultry Science Association 104th Annual Meeting, July 27-30, 2015
The use and abuse of immunological measurements and parameters in nutritional immunology. R. Selvaraj
Effect of in vitro 25-hydroxycholecalciferol treatment of lipopolysaccharide on heterophil nitrite production and in vivo effects of 25-hydroxycholecalciferol supplementation on turkey poults during a coccidial challenge. Antrison Morris* and Ramesh Selvaraj
Transcriptional events underlying avian myogenesis. Jacqueline Griffin*, Michael Lilburn, and Macdonald Wick
Effect of thermal stress on myogenic satellite cells. S.G. Velleman
Thermal stress differentially affects chicken pectoralis major and biceps femoris satellite cell properties and function. Rachel L. Harding*, Orna Halevy, Cynthia S. Coy, Daniel L. Clark, Shlomo Yahav, and Sandra G. Velleman
Influence of temperature and growth selection on turkey breast muscle satellite cell proliferation, differentiation, and myogenic regulatory factor expression. Daniel L. Clark*, Cynthia S. Coy, Gale M. Strasburg, Kent M. Reed, and Sandra G. Velleman
Identification of the avian RBP7 gene as a new adipose-specific gene and RBP7 promoter-driven GFP expression in adipose tissue of transgenic quail. Jinsoo Ahn*, Sangsu Shin, Yeunsu Suh, Ju Yeon Park, Seongsoo Hwang, and Kichoon Lee
Overexpression of G0/G1 switch gene 2 in adipose tissue of female transgenic quail leads to inhibition of lipolysis associated with laying. Paula R. Chen*, Young Min Choi, Sangsu Shin, Elizabeth Kim, and Kichoon Lee
Application of selected bacteriophages to control Salmonella in mechanically separated chicken. B.D. Mahaffey*, L.E. Graham, K.D. Teague, A.D. Wolfenden, J.C. Bielke, B.M. Hargis, and L.R. Bielke
Early mucosal permeability model for studying spondylolisthesis (kinky back) in broilers. J.C. Bielke, V.A. Kuttappan, E.A. Vicuña, R.W. Moore, A.S. Al-Ogaili, J.D. Latorre, A.D. Wolfenden, B.M. Hargis, G.Tellez, and L.R. Bielke
Supplementation of a sorghum-based diet with a Bacillus direct-fed microbial candidate influence growth performance, protein digestibility, and bone strength of 28-day-old broilers. Juan D. Latorre*, Ross E. Wolfenden, Jose L. Vicente, Xochitl Hernandez-Velasco, Amanda D. Wolfenden, Vivek A.Kuttappan, Lisa R. Bielke, Billy M. Hargis, and Guillermo Tellez
University Mental Health Resources
All OSU Counseling and Consultation Services (CCS) staff were sent home to tele-commute until further notice.The CCS phone line 614-292-5766 remains available for emergency assistance 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. Students can push 2 to reach a mental health counselor at any time.
CCS has suspended onsite and in person services, including those at embedded locations, through at least May 3, 2020. You are still able to connect with a counselor for a 30 minute phone or video consultation using Carmen Zoom or Skype. These consultations are offered 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM Monday through Friday in order to check in with students, problem solve, and offer support. Students will need to share their address/location at the time of the call.
Students can access many self-help tools that are available on the CCS website at . The CCS COVID-19 updates page linked to the website is a great resource. On that page, students will find helpful coping skills such as the mental health strategies video series. This time that can be difficult for many. All students are encouraged to check that out.
This link also contains some great information for coping right now:
If you encounter a suspected emergency situation with any student during this time, crisis support is available by calling CCS at 614-292-5766. If this happens with the student remotely located, please try to get as much contact information about the student such as name, phone number, OSU dot #, and address where they are currently located. If you suspect safety is at risk or compromised at that time for the student or anyone they are with, please call 9-1-1. They will help immediately regardless of where the student is physically located. After you have done one of the steps above, please let me know of the situation so that follow up contact attempts can be made with the student. Please make sure to provide me with the best way to reach you right now too.
This is an unusual time for all of us. Please practice good self-care, social distancing, and stay safe. Additional information on Coronavirus (COVID-19) is available at . Faculty and Staff should also remember our OSU Employee Assistance Program is still available by contacting 614-292-4700 or 800-678-6269.
A full list of available counselors in the college can be found here.
CFAES Mental Health Counselor
Did you know that CFAES has hired a counselor to support the needs of their students' mental health? Dr. Wirt holds counseling sessions in Ag Admin Room 100 four days a week and is in Lincoln Tower on Wednesday. See the attached if you’re interested in making an appointment.
Portfolium Resource Page
The College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences has renewed its partnership with and will continue to provide ALL students and faculty the opportunity to create a professional, online digital portfolio. In today’s world, employers seek evidence of career-relevant skills and competencies beyond listings on a resume. Students at all levels can easily create evidence-based credentials. In other words, attaching documents, videos, audio files, graphics, coding samples and presentations help demonstrate your knowledge and abilities.
You should have already received your Portfolium invitation with the subject: “Access your CFAES Portfolium.” The email contains a link to activate your free verified account within the CFAES network using your Ohio State credentials. If you missed the initial email, you can also join by using the Portfolium Resource Page.
For more information or inquires, contact Elaine Eberlin.