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Department of Animal Sciences


Recently Published / Presented

Chen PR, Shin S, Choi YM, Kim E, Han JY, Lee K. 2016. Overexpression of G0/G1 switch gene 2 in adipose tissue of transgenic quail inhibits lipolysis associated with egg laying. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 17(3).

Clark DL, Coy CS, Strasburg GM, Reed KM, Velleman SG. 2016. Temperature effect on proliferation and differentiation of satellite cells from turkeys with different growth rates (1). Poult Sci 95(4):934-47.

Hsu TD, Rea CL, Yu Z, Lee J. 2016. Prevalence and diversity of shiga toxin genes in Canada geese and water in western lake Erie region. J Great Lakes Res 42(2):476-81.

2016 National Breeders Roundtable Program, May 5-6, 2016, St. Louis, Missouri

 Dr. Sandra Velleman. Adult Myoblast (Satellite Cell) Mediation of Posthatch Muscle Growth.

Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference, April 18-20, 2016, Ft. Wayne, Indiana
 Dr. Maurice Eastridge. Welcome to the 25th Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference.

 Dr. Jeffrey Firkins. Update on the New Dairy NRC.

 Dr. Normand St-Pierre. Don't Drive into Smoke - Evaluating Data.

 Dr. Alejadro Relling. Fetal Programming in Dairy Cattle.

Dr. Chanhee Lee. Future Direction for Managing N and P on Dairy Farms.

Dr. William Weiss. Variation in TMR Composition Caused by Sampling Method.