The Libraries are currently offering contact-free pickup by appointment at Thompson Library only, and document delivery through Interlibrary Services. To see a full list of librries and their hours, see here.
The Libraries will reopen to users on January 25, and will aim to provide services that support your teaching, learning and research in a safe and healthy environment. Here’s what that will look like:
Using the Libraries’ space:
· The Veterinary Medicine Library, as well as most department libraries, will operate on a modified schedule of 10am-4pm, Monday-Friday. Thompson and 18th Avenue Libraries will maintain normal hours. Hours are subject to change. Please visit for current information.
· Masks are required in all University Libraries facilities.
· Library users are asked to maintain a safe, physical distance of six feet apart. We have spaced out seating in our common areas and closed our group study rooms to help make this possible.
· Eating and drinking are not permitted.
· The Veterinary Medicine Library’s space will have restricted seating and will primarily be used for classroom and exam space. You can also pick up reserved books and use our computers, printers, copiers and scanners. We ask that you sanitize surfaces after use.
Using the Libraries’ materials:
· The book stacks will remain closed to the public. Materials must be requested through the Library Catalog. Only University Libraries staff may remove books from shelves. Any books brought to the circulation desk by visitors will have to be quarantined and unavailable for up to five days.
· Materials you request can be picked up at a library circulation desk, or sent to your Columbus campus office.
· Returned materials will be quarantined for five days and will remain checked out on your account until quarantine is complete and they have been checked in.
· Due to quarantine, OhioLINK and Interlibrary Loan requests will be delayed.
· Print course reserves and textbooks will circulate for extended loan periods, rather than two hours or in-library use.
· Requests for new materials will take longer than normal to process.