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Department of Animal Sciences


Congrats to the Animal Welfare Judging Team

The Intercollegiate Animal Welfare Judging/Assessment Contest (AWJAC) virtually celebrated its 21st year of competition on November 20th and 21st. The Ohio State University was once again well-represented across all student divisions: undergraduate junior, undergraduate senior, graduate, and veterinary. Students were co-coached by Zach England and Dr. Jess Pempek, and species covered in this year’s contest included psittacines as pets, cats in a research setting, and boar studs. 

Team members included: 

  • Undergraduate Junior: Elizabeth Schafer, Molly Mies, Jessie Bouterse 

  • Undergraduate Senior: MacKenzie Chapman, Maddie Pinkerton, Sarah Doner, Ashley Stroud  

  • Graduates: Hannah Maggard, Faith Oster, Nicole Lorig 

  • Veterinary: Brad Hogshead, Shannon Kelly, Taylor Williams 

  • Supportive Members: Ronna Wood, Robin Zendejas 

Students competed both individually and as a team this year. Although the format was entirely virtual, this did not impede our students’ hard work and dedication in preparation for the contest. Collectively, they received 10 awards, the most awarded to any university. A complete list of the awards can be found here.