There are many careers available with American Jersey Cattle Association and National All-Jersey INC! For more information, visit their website. There you will find the following positions: Customer Service Specialist
AJCA-NAJ Offices, Reynoldsburg, Ohio. This is a full-time position.
Objective: To provide support to Herd Services, Research & Genetic Programs and Development departments.
Assistant General Manager, National All-Jersey Inc.
Location: Reynoldsburg, Ohio
Objective: To assist the General Manager in effective, efficient delivery of customer services, the maintenance of membership and other company resources, economic analysis, and the development and marketing of the programs and services of National All-Jersey Inc.
Area Representative and Type Traits Appraiser
Location: Reside in California.
Area Representative serving the states of Arizona, California and New Mexico and West Texas. Type Traits Appraiser varies based on schedules.
Objective: Provide direct service to customers utilizing programs and services of the Jersey organizations and market same to potential customers. Provide accurate evaluations and effective service to herd owners as member of the appraisal staff for the AJCA linear type evaluation program.