Student Newsletter: January 22, 2017
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M.S. Graduate Research Assistant - Range Livestock Research
A graduate research assistantship in range livestock research is available in the Department of Animal and Veterinary Science at the University of Idaho. All coursework will be completed at the UI campus in Moscow, ID and research will be conducted from the NMCREEC in Carmen, ID and the Rock Creek Ranch near Hailey, ID. A Bachelor’s degree in Animal Sciences, Range, Biology or a related field is required and experience handling livestock is preferred. Applicants must be self-motivated, have a strong work ethic, be able to work individually or as a team member, and demonstrate excellent verbal-communication and written skills.
To apply, please contact Dr. Melinda Ellison at (208) 756-2749 or send a cover letter, CV/resume, academic transcripts (official or unofficial), and names and phone numbers for 3 professional references to Applicants must also complete an application to the UI graduate school. For even more information, see the attached job posting.
Have you ever wanted to get to know your professors better outside of the classroom? Now is your chance! We will be hosting a fun evening of speed meetings and competitive games on Wednesday, Feb. 15th at 5:15 pm in the Animal Sciences Building, Rm 111. Check out the attached flier. FREE Food and drinks will be available!
Science Fair Judges Needed (and Will be Paid)
The Ohio Soybean Council is seeking individuals to judge youth science fair projects at the 17 district science fairs across Ohio beginning in March. Judges will receive a stipend for a couple hours of judging, and a mileage reimbursement. Please complete the form at the following link if you are interested.
Call for Nominations Animal Science Hall of Fame 2017
The Animal Sciences Hall of Fame Committee is soliciting nominations for the ANIMAL SCIENCES HALL OF FAME. The award will be presented at the Animal Sciences Spring Awards Program.
The following criteria need to be considered when making nominations:
a. Nominees will be considered who were bona fide majors in the department at The Ohio State University and who graduated twenty (20) or more years ago.
b. Nominees must have demonstrated superior skill and achieved success for themselves. Their major career activity must be in an area related to Animal Sciences.
c. The nominee shall have practiced service to others. Such activity includes giving of time, energy and thoughtfulness to their profession, local, state or national efforts, and or support of their local community. A reasonable amount of participation in statewide or national affairs is desirable.
d. Consideration of nominees in the areas of animal production, academia and allied industry will be used in selection.
e. Current and retired faculty/staff of the Department of Animal Sciences at The Ohio State University are not eligible.The Hall of Fame Selection committee is soliciting nominations, with adequate justification, for the Animal Sciences Hall of Fame. The nomination should provide information on how the nominee excels in the listed award assessment criteria. The deadline for the nominations is January 31st. Please send nominations by e-mail ( or mail to (Steve Boyles, Department of Animal Sciences, Plumb Hall, 2027 Coffey Rd., Columbus, Ohio 43210-1094). Nominations will be forwarded to the selection committee.
Banner Photo of the Week
Have you always wanted your adorable pet to be on the front page of our weekly newsletter? Well now you have your chance!!
Any animal can be pictured, whether that be a family pet or simply your favorite animal. Submit pictures to the editor, Caroline Cotter, every Sunday for the following week's newsletter.
Parameters of the photo must be 1200 X 260. Creative efforts will be appreciated and are preferred! Feel free to make it seasonal or full of school spirit.
Sombrero Ranches Summer Internship
Sombrero Ranches is one of the largest guest horse operations in the country, currently running about 1500 head. The company has been around for over 50 years and is still owned by the same family. Each year, several of our stables hire people from around the country to come spend a summer in Colorado working with horses. Each stable takes guests out on trail rides in the Rocky Mountains and maintains a herd of up to 150 horses at a time. This is an excellent opportunity for students interested in a summer job or an internship.
Most wranglers stay for about a 90 day period over the summer months. There is possible opportunity for a few to stay for a year, and if anyone is getting this letter that is not in school for the spring semester, we will need some wranglers to start working in March. Living quarters and most meals are provided in addition to a salary and tips. This job requires horse knowledge and solid experience, and a real love of working with people. It also is lots of work and long hours, but it is very rewarding. If you are someone who loves horses, people, and working outside you should consider applying. There is a wealth of information on the company and each stable online at Please check it out and see if it could be something for you.
Sombrero is currently accepting applications for the spring and summer 2017 season. You can go online and print an application. When applying, please include a paper (just a couple of paragraphs or so) describing your past experience with horses and if you have spent any time teaching children or adults how to ride. Also include how long you have ridden, what kind of riding you have done, what kind of work you have done with horses, and if you have ever owned horses. Or if there is anything else you would like to include, please do! It is advised to also recommend including some reference contact information, and including a full length photo, so they have a face to place with your application. You do not need to send in an actual letter of reference, but if you do, please put it in the SAME envelope as your application, or else it might get lost! They ask that you try to have applications in around late January to early February, as all hiring is done by mid-March. Please send applications directly to the stable address in Estes Park:
Sombrero Stables
1895 Big Thompson Ave
Estes Park CO, 80517
re: Job ApplicationAgain, please include ALL materials in the SAME envelope so that nothing is lost and everything is together!
Please feel free to ask any questions at any time. Some more important things to know can be found here. The stable office number is 970-586-4577 or you are welcome to email Kristyn Smith.
Maplecrest Farms 2017 Summer Internship
Our Operation
Maplecrest Farms is a purebred Angus and Sim-Angus seedstock operation located in southern Ohio. This third generation operation is dedicated to producing high quality seedstock that combine excellent phenotype with superior genetic potential. Maplecrest utilizes state-of-the-art technology and data management to produce cattle that can make significant genetic progress with a wide range of production systems.
Internship Opportunity at Maplecrest Farms
Maplecrest Farms is seeking a student intern from Land-Grant agricultural universities who are interested in animal genetics, animal nutrition, animal health, reproductive management, and/or marketing of purebred cattle. Applicants should be an undergraduate student with a background or major related to animal agriculture. Preference will be given to juniors and seniors. The internship will run from the end of May to the beginning of August (roughly 10 weeks).
The goal of the internship program is to increase the knowledge and ability of undergraduate students in operation management and marketing of purebred cattle to enhance their potential to become leaders in the livestock industry.
Selection criteria includes:
1. Livestock industry background and experience;
2. Academic performance and extracurricular activities;
3. Career goals and leadership potential; and
4. Work ethic and attitude.During this time of year the intern will receive training and may assist in the following:
a. heat detection;
b. record keeping;
c. treating donors for superovulation;
d. monitoring cows and calves for sickness;
e. preparing cattle for sale and show;
f. hay production; and
g. daily care and maintenance of cattle.The intern will be provided with housing, but will be responsible for their own meals. The work schedule is typically 6-6.5 days per week. Work days often begin at 7:30-8 am and may not be completed until after 6 pm. Additional free time can be arranged with advance notice. The intern will receive stipend upon successful completion of the internship.
Application Materials
To be considered for the 2017 Maplecrest Farms Summer Internship program, applicants must submit the following by April 1, 2017:a. Completed Maplecrest Farms Internship Application
b. Copy of college transcripts (unofficial transcripts acceptable)
c. Two letters of recomendation
Summer Experience in Farm Management
OVERVIEW: Work Experience for Farm Management students includes milking, herd health, calves, and a variety of field work activities such as tillage, planting, and harvest. The students fit and show a string of dairy cattle at the local county fair. The Summer Experience in Farm Management introduces students to the modern farm as a business, which has as its objective the conversion of plants into milk and meat. All students will be asked to work long hours on occasion, but no more so than would normally be expected on a dairy farm. Students work approximately every other weekend.
Weekly meetings update the students about farm activities; a combination of dairy, crops and equine. Extended sessions on relevant topics such as nutrition, reproduction, mastitis management, animal health, and field crops will be held throughout the summer. Instructors include Miner Institute faculty members Katie Ballard, Kurt Cotanch, Heather Dann, Wanda Emerich, Eric Young, Rick Grant, Karen Lassell, and graduate students. The small class size makes it possible to at least partially tailor the program to meet the needs of each student. Students interested in careers in veterinary medicine, farm management, vocational agriculture and agricultural extension have found this program to be particularly useful. Students will have the opportunity to enroll in an Artificial Insemination certification course offered in cooperation with personnel from a bull stud.
This program is available to agriculture and life science students in their junior or senior years of study. Students are encouraged to register for college credit at their home institution, and are responsible for making arrangements for credits. This program is designed as a 4-credit course, although other arrangements may be made through the student’s home institution. Each student’s wage for the 13-week semester is $3,000. The students live at Miner Institute where student housing, and breakfast and lunch each weekday are provided for a cost of $300 for the summer.
The 2017 program begins May 22 and ends August 18.
TO APPLYApplicants are required to provide the following:
• Completed Summer Experience application
• Copy of college transcript
• Two letters of recommendation, one must be from college advisor
• Letter outlining career goals and reasons for applicationPlease include any experience with field crop or livestock production.
Printable farm management internship brochure
Dairy Outreach Coordinator
Miner Institute
1034 Miner Farm Rd.
PO Box 90
Chazy, New York 12921
518-846-7121, ext. 117
518-846-8445 (fax)
Summer Experience in Equine Management
OVERVIEW: The emphasis of this program is the management of a commercial equine facility and improved horse handling and training skills. Students will learn ground training techniques including halter breaking, lungeing, longlining, and ground driving. The versatility of the Morgan and varied ages and abilities of horses at Miner Institute allow for students to experience many different disciplines to varying degrees: saddleseat, huntseat, dressage, western pleasure and driving. Students become proficient at stallion handling, semen collection, and processing as well as broodmare management. Students will have an opportunity to participate in other Miner Farm operations including milking, pasture management, and a variety of field work activities. All students will be asked to work long hours on occasion, but no more so than would normally be expected on a busy farm. Students work approximately every other weekend.
Weekly meetings update the students about farm activities; equine, dairy, crops and research. Extended sessions on relevant topics such as nutrition, reproduction, training, health and field crops will be held throughout the summer. Instructors include Miner Institute faculty members Katie Ballard, Kurt Cotanch, Heather Dann, Wanda Emerich, Rick Grant, Karen Lassell, and graduate students. The small class size makes it possible to tailor the program to better meet the needs of each student. Students interested in careers in stable or breeding management, agricultural extension, and veterinary medicine have found this program to be particularly useful.
Each student will choose a project horse to evaluate, train, and market for sale. Responsibilities for this project will include preparing a video of the horse as well as oral and written final presentations on the horse and the process. Miner Institute's research program includes aspects in the equine area such as stallion semen preservation and horse behavior. If equine research is underway, students are invited to become involved if they are interested.
This program is available to agriculture and life science students in their junior or senior years of study. The number of students for the Equine Management program is limited to ensure the intensity of this “hands-on” experience. Equine Management applicants must be at least intermediate riders. Students are encouraged, but not required, to register for college credit at their home institution. Students are responsible for determining which option best suits their courses of study. These programs are designed as 4-credit courses, although other arrangements may be made through the student’s home institution.Each student’s wage for the semester is $3,000. The students live at Miner Institute where student housing and breakfast/lunch each weekday is provided for a cost of $300 for the summer.
The 2017 program begins May 22 and ends August 18.
Applicants are required to provide the following:
• Completed Summer Experience application
• A copy of college transcript, does not have to be official
• Two letters of recommendation, one must be from a previous employer
• Letter outlining career goals and reasons for application
• Short video of you riding (DVD, MPG digital clip, or link to online video)
Miner Institute provides equal employment opportunities.SEND COMPLETED APPLICATIONS AND LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION BY FEB. 15 TO:
Karen Lassell
Equine Manager
Miner Institute
1034 Miner Farm Rd.
P.O. Box 90
Chazy, New York 12921
518-846-7121, ext. 120
518-846-8445 (fax) -
Kalmbach Feeds Internship
Kalmbach Feeds is the lead pork producer in Ohio! They are looking for students who are ready to get a head start on their future career. Kalmbach Feeds is now offering a paid full-time internship at our Sow Units located across Northwestern Ohio. Students will learn Sow Unit Husbandry, Management, and Leadership skills. Kalmbach Feeds has 8+ slots still available for these internships. If interested in this internship or any other available internships please call Jacquie Daniel at (419) 294-3838 Ex.237
Making a Difference in Ohio: Become a Summer Intern with OSU Extension
This summer, be an intern in one of 12 OSU Extension offices, and make a difference! Apply by February 19, 2017
Whether you are passionate about food issues, agriculture, helping youth, the environment, or healthy people and communities, there is an internship opportunity for you! Interns can apply to work in one of 12 locations throughout Ohio (see chart below).
Through this paid internship, you will work closely with a local OSU Extension educator as he or she teaches classes, works with volunteers and makes a difference in the community. As an intern, you will learn how you can use your education to make a difference in people’s lives and how what you are learning in college can have an impact on some of the most pressing issues facing Ohioans. Your intern work may include:
- Planning, helping or teaching community classes, day camps, field days or fairs
- Attending meetings with community leaders and volunteers
- Developing news articles, exhibits, brochures, marketing materials, and resources for educational curriculum
- Using social media and technology to share research-based information
- Participating in field research, helping with literature reviews, and testing new methods and curriculum
- Working with youth through 4-H activities, county fair, camps and project judgings
To be considered for one of these 12 paid internships, you must complete two years of college by June 1, 2017. Review the chart below to determine the internship in which you may be interested. You may apply for multiple positions with one application.
By February 19, 2017 (11:59 pm), submit the following to the address on the application form Attach to the application form:
- A cover letter
- A letter of recommendation from a professor, current or past advisor or past employer
For more information, visit this site!
Merck Animal Health Paid Summer Internship
Merck & Co., Inc. Kenilworth, N.J., U.S.A. known as Merck in the United States and Canada, is a global health care leader with a diversified portfolio of prescription medicines, vaccines and animal health products. Today, they are building a new kind of healthcare company – one that is ready to help create a healthier future for all.
Ability to excel depends on the integrity, knowledge, imagination, skill, diversity and teamwork of an individual like yoy. To this end, they strive to create an environment of mutual respect, encouragement and teamwork. As part of the global team, you’ll have the opportunity to collaborate with talented and dedicated colleagues while developing and expanding your career.
Merck Animal Health Field Sales Interns will perform field assignments aligned with specific geographic sales territories identified as high need and potential for supplementation of sales representative’s activities. These interns will be assigned to a regional manager for direction and daily interaction with the assigned geographic territory representative calling on pre-assigned accounts or areas. The interns will learn the focus products determined by the regional need. Key products would include Safeguard, Ectos, PrimeVac protocol, as well as dealer products to supplement time intensive activities of the primary Merck Animal Health representative providing incremental efforts to help reach and frequency for these products.
• Must have completed at least 2 years towards a Bachelor’s Degree in Business, Animal Science or related degree program by June 2017.
• Available for a minimum of 9 weeks beginning June 2017
• Excellent interpersonal/communication and presentation skills
• General computer skills including working knowledge of Word, Excel and PowerPoint and the ability to use an iPad
• Ability to be organized, adapt to a changing environment, work independently and also as part of a team
• Ability to travel overnight and support some weekend activities
• 50% travel
Merck is an equal opportunity employer, Minority/Female/Disability/Veteran – proudly embracing diversity in all of its manifestations.
Primary Location: NA-US-KS-DeSoto
Other Locations: NA-US-Iowa, NA-US-Nebraska, NA-US-Kentucky, NA-US-Florida, NA-US-Texas, NA-US-Kansas, NA-US-Missouri, NA-US-Oklahoma
Employee Status: Regular
Number of Openings: 10 -
Communications/Marketing Intern Position
There is a Communications/Marketing Intern Position now availble for this summer with COBA/Select Sires. The goal for this internship is to provide a wide range of experiences within the dairy industry and how the COBA/Select Sires cooperative supports and functions within the industry. Students will be exposed to all facets of the business including communications/marketing, technician work, cattle evaluation and sales. The internship will allow you to provide assistance to the communications and marketing staff to support all field activities. For more information, see the attached document or contact Julie Ziegler.
Mount Sterling Dairy LLC
Teun and Anja Verhoven are now managing the Mount Sterling Dairy, LLC (formerly Pro Milk Dairy) and they are looking for some full or part-time help with milking – see attached announcement. The farm is only about 25 minutes from campus. If you are interested, contact Anja at:
Mount Sterling Dairy LLC is looking for a Milk Harvester!
1st shift (6:00 AM – 3:00 PM)
2nd shift (3:00 PM – mid-night)
Part time shift (6:00 AM – noon) -
2017 OSU ATI Dairy Internship
The OSU/ATI Dairy farm has internship opportunities available at the farm outside of Wooster, Ohio. The internship will be available from May through August and would be most suitable for those completing their Freshmen or Sophomore years. The internship will focus on the day to day application of management practices and the intern will rotate through four different jobs: Feeding, Milking, Calf and Heifer Raising, and Health and Reproduction. The goal of the internship is to help you see how management decisions affect day to day operations, and also how worker performance affects management decisions. You will be exposed to management programs like PCDart, CowManager, and TMR Tracker, as well as working with other support personnel.
Contact Brandon Lawwill Assistant Herd Manager for more information. They will assist you in finding housing as well as paying an hourly wage with a max of 38 hours per week.
Job Opening at Pilot Dogs
Pilot Dogs is hiring for a new position, Resident Attendant. This position is a part-time non-exempt position.
We are looking for an individual that is mature, responsible, and dependable. They need also need to meet the following criteria:
• Be able to communicate with visually impaired individuals and work around large dogs
• Have a valid driver’s license
• Be insurable by our insurance company
• Pass a background check
• Able to lift up to 40 pounds
• Available for overnight and weekend shifts (7pm-7am two nights a week)
If you meet these criteria and are interested in helping us improve the mobility of the visually impaired please contact Pam Miller or Jason Gray at (614)221-6367.
Dairy Herd Incorporated
Dairy Herd Incorporated (DHI) located on Alton Darby Road in Columbus is looking for some additional help in their milk testing lab. It is a 15 to 20 minute drive from campus. If you are interested, please contact Brian Winters ( Be prepared to send him your resume.
OSU CVM Parasitology Laboratory Assistant Internship
Are you interested in gaining experience for veterinary school or applied animal health? Are you also interested in working with veterinary students and capturing a glimpse into life in veterinary school? The parasitology program in the OSU College of Veterinary Medicine is offering an internship opportunity to an undergraduate student to participate as a teaching laboratory helper in the third year veterinary parasitology laboratory. As an assistant, you handle a variety of samples and learn several laboratory techniques to analyze those samples. You also learn details about internal gastrointestinal parasites as well as external parasites and become familiar with identifying parasites and their structures through the use of a microscope. By interacting with veterinary students and personnel of the college, you have the chance to see what is expected of an individual at the professional level. This is a unique experience where you can gain knowledge in a specialized topic, veterinary parasitology. You must commit to 3 hours per week (Jan 10 through Feb 24); Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 4:30-5:30. Training starts (4 hrs) before Spring semester (during fall semester). To gain transcript credit for the internship, we start the process prior to spring semester.
For more information regarding this internship opportunity, please contact Dr. Marsh (email:; phone: 614-292-8335; office: 1900 Coffey Road, A192 Sisson Hall).
Seasonal Internship in Integrative Veterinary Medicine
This program is applicable for qualified Veterinary Students, or Pre-Veterinary Students.
The candidate would learn how to assist with: physical examinations, pet handling and restraint, managing care and treatments, client education, laboratory skills: fecal’s, blood chemistry’s, cytology; computer data entry for veterinary medical treatments, as well as setting up and maintaining treatment areas and supplies. The student would work one on one with the Staff Veterinarian: Carol Osborne and would assist with customer service and the front desk.-- Apply online here or call 440-247-5901
Veterinary Technician Position
The successful candidate should be competent with: assisting in physical examinations, handling and restraining animals, managing care and treatments, client education, using computers to enter medical notes and treatments, and setting up and maintaining treatment areas and supplies. They will also assist with customer service and front desk duties.
Qualifications required in a Certified Veterinary Technician at Chagrin Falls Pet Clinic include:
• Demonstrated ability to work effectively in a fast paced practice.
• Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to interact and communicate, both verbally and non-verbally, with people of all ages.
• Able to work flexible hours.
• Interest in working with a dynamic team dedicated to excellence and quality care.
• Excellent professional references in the veterinary field are required.
• We would also be interested in new graduates from veterinary technician programs, willing to train right candidate.-- Apply online here or call 440-247-5901
Peterson and Smith Equine Hospital
Peterson & Smith Equine Hospital, located in Ocala, Florida, is looking for spring and summer interns for placement in their hospital (surgery/medicine/sports medicine), their equine reproduction center, and in their ambulatory department. Details and deadlines are attached. The internship program runs during the spring semester (mid-January-May) and then in the summer (June-July). Housing and stipends are part of the placement package.
Barn Manager and Loper Internship Opportunity
Looking to learn or expand your horsemanship skills through everyday barn tasks and ranch riding?
Looking to learn how to manage your own barn and/or boarding facility?
Looking to gain more experience working with and handling horses?
Arabians, Quarter horses, and stock horses.
Barn and program managing, Riding and Training, and Visit barns around central Ohio.
Internship duration: Sept- May and May - August
Contact Eddie Landry, barn manager for more information and to schedule an interview.
Cargill Dairy Internship Application
Cargill will again be looking for outstanding students that are looking for an opportunity to get a better understanding of what a Dairy Consultant does as well as to challenge themselves on doing a meaningful project during the summer of ’17. Their internship program enables you to learn more about Cargill Animal Nutrition and career opportunities for Consultants. Challenging projects, along with the chance to interact with Cargill employees and business partners, make this a valuable work experience.
Cargill Dairy Consultants are responsible for interacting with clients and prospective customers, helping them understand how Cargill can provide solutions for them and improve their profitability. Consultants typically specialize in expertise areas, which include dairy, beef, swine, and retail sales to owners of companion animals.
Below is the link for you to apply for positions available across the US.
Position Link: Dairy Sales Consultant Intern 2017 – UNI04575 -
Cheshire Crossing Animal Hospital
Cheshire Crossing Animal Hospital is looking for a couple students that would like to work evenings and weekends. They need students who have some skill and are reliable. You would be working as assistants in the treatment area and exam rooms as well as the reception desk. They have hit a very busy chapter at the hospital during the past 4-5 months and are continuing to grow and be very busy. If a student is willing to work hard, learn and be reliable then they are welcome to call in and ask for Tanja or Dr. Carpenter to schedule an interview.
Hours they are looking at are M-Th 3 or 4-7:00 and Sat. 7:30-2.
Select Sires Dairy Analytics Support Specialist
Select Sires, Inc. is seeking a Dairy Analytics Support Specialist to administer Select Sires, Inc’s RePRO ReVIEW database and program. Position will be based in Plain City, Ohio and will report to Charles Sattler and King Smith.
This position will be responsible for database administration, data retrieval and analysis, and reporting of results to the various Select Sires and customer users. This position will also work closely with the SRS Specialists, PGA Coordinators, and RePRO ReVIEW team members. Qualified candidates must be detail oriented and technology savvy.
KEY RESPONSIBILITIES:- Review request and input herds into SRS RePRO ReVIEW database
- Assist with enrolling PGA Elite, CHART and other genetic development herds in RePRO ReVIEW
- Monitor all herds in RePRO ReVIEW for:
- Automated Data updating
- Automated Report generation
- Automatic emailing Reports to SRS Specialist
- RePRO Review New Herd form on file
- RePRO ReVIEW Herd Agreement on file
- Maintain a list of request for additional measures for RePRO ReVIEW
- Setup herd folders in Box for new herds to be added into RePRO ReVIEW
- Help SRS Specialists and PGA Coordinators setup new herds for RePRO ReVIEW
- Extract data from automated systems for genetic development activities
- Answer calls and troubleshoot any issues with RePRO ReVIEW
- Help monitor and acquire repro data from any Select Sires National Accounts
- Work with Select Sires Technical Service team on designated projects
- Maintain a good working relationship with the RePRO ReVIEW team
JOB REQUIREMENTS:- Bachelor’s degree in animal or dairy science, and/or working knowledge of the dairy industry, with some understanding of genomic testing
- Exceptional communicator both verbal and written
- Computer proficiency with advanced knowledge of spreadsheet and database tools (SQL)
- Superior project management skills with minimal supervisory needs
- Ability to prioritize tasks while working independently and under time constraints
- Ability to function as a team player and comfortable in multi-tasking
- Willing to do some domestic travel
- Fundamental understanding of AI industry
Qualified candidates must submit résumé with salary requirements and employment history to Cece Utendorf. -
Quality Supervisor Coshocton, OH
This is a role for someone who craves a global challenge balanced by the desire to be accountable for delivering against the model in the largest business unit for Kraft Heinz. It is both a strategic and a tactical position. Those that do not want to get their hands dirty or build out a function against a blank slate without buying pre-packaged solutions should not apply.
This role is responsible for monitoring and maintaining the plants Quality systems to ensure compliance to regulatory, federal and local laws. Areas of focus will include the identification and achievement of facility Quality KPI's through appropriate corrective/preventive actions and continuous improvement initiatives. This role will actively participate in all internal and external auditing activities and follow-up. Further, this role will act as support for QCMS/ISO; QRMP and HACCP functions will lead the development of new quality systems/programs across the facility and will provide Quality support/resources for major commercialization projects.
For more information, please see the attached job description! -
Herdsman Wanted for 1500 cow farm in Northeastern Vermont
Modern dairy farm in Northeastern Vermont seeks highly qualified Herdsman to work with owners and employees in a team approach to accomplishing our goals of higher and more efficient milk production, reproductive and transition health.
Duties include but are not limited to; Milking and treatment of fresh and sick cows. The knowledge and ability to use DC 305 to keep up to date daily records of treatments, vaccinations, and movements of all animals on a farm. Working with other barn employees to make sure all necessary daily barn tasks are completed in a productive and caring way. Must be felxible and willing to learn new tasks.
Minimum experience required:
- 3 years performing responsibilities listed above
- 2 years of formal dairy education or 5 years performing duties listed above
Preferred experience:
- 4 year dairy science degree
- Minimum of 3 years performing responsibilities listed above
Strong references are a must. Compensation will be very competitive and commiserate with experience and training.
Please submit a cover letter explaining your interest, a full resume with references and school transcripts.
Job Opportunities at AJCA-NAJ
There are many careers available with American Jersey Cattle Association and National All-Jersey INC! For more information, visit their website. There you will find the following positions: Customer Service Specialist
AJCA-NAJ Offices, Reynoldsburg, Ohio. This is a full-time position.
Objective: To provide support to Herd Services, Research & Genetic Programs and Development departments.
Assistant General Manager, National All-Jersey Inc.
Location: Reynoldsburg, Ohio
Objective: To assist the General Manager in effective, efficient delivery of customer services, the maintenance of membership and other company resources, economic analysis, and the development and marketing of the programs and services of National All-Jersey Inc.
Area Representative and Type Traits AppraiserLocation: Reside in California.
Area Representative serving the states of Arizona, California and New Mexico and West Texas. Type Traits Appraiser varies based on schedules.
Objective: Provide direct service to customers utilizing programs and services of the Jersey organizations and market same to potential customers. Provide accurate evaluations and effective service to herd owners as member of the appraisal staff for the AJCA linear type evaluation program.
Customer Service Representative Witmer's Field and Grain
Job Description: Customer Service Representative
Reports to: Office Manager
Wage Structure: Salary 40-45 hours weekly
General Responsibilities:
Answer Phones & Direct Calls
Greet Customers at the Front Counter
Promote & Develop Product Line, Show Feeds & New Pellet Line
Coordinate all counter, seed & fertilizer transactions, weigh trucks
Answer Customer Feed & Animal Health Questions
Work with Wholesale Business Development & Quality Assurance Director
Assist with Marketing & Trade Shows
Understand and put to practice company sales practices, mission statement, & core valuesDesired Skill Set:
BS degree in Agriculture, Animal Science
Speak effetely to individuals or groups
Strong people skills
Ability to think on feet
Positive attitude
Ability to recognize potential opportunities
Detailed oriented, attentive ~ strong organization skills
Self-starter by nature
Adaptable to change ~ flexible
Creative in thinking
Diligent by nature
Persuasive by natureIf you are interested, you can send resumes to:
Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association
The Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association was founded in 1979 and is a grassroots coalition of farmers, backyard gardeners, consumers, retailers, educators, researchers, and others who share a desire to build a healthy food system that brings prosperity to family farmers, meets the growing consumer demand for local food, creates economic opportunities for our rural communities, and safeguards the environment.
For more than 30 years, OEFFA has used education, advocacy, and grassroots organizing to promote local and organic food systems, helping farmers and consumers reconnect and together build a sustainable food system, one meal at a time.
To see some of their exciting new job opportunities, check out the following job announcements:
Senior Animal Welfare Auditor
Founded in 1974 as a small family operation, Christensen Farms is now one of the largest, integrated food companies in the U.S. pork sector. Located throughout the upper Midwest, CF has operations in Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, Nebraska, Colorado and South Dakota. A leader in food production for more than 40 years, the Christensen Farms Team is committed to and takes pride in being an industry leader in responsibly producing pork for the noble purpose of providing food to a growing world. They believe in hiring talented people to help in the mission to deliver a high quality, safe and wholesome pork product to consumers while giving each employee the opportunity to be a part of an outstanding and professional work setting.
This position will be responsible to work with production leadership to support farms by ensuring quality controls are in place to uphold CF and regulatory standards. The Senior Animal Welfare Auditor will provide classroom training to animal caretakers, conduct on-farm assessments/audits, support development of corrective action items and ensure follow up and completion of identified non-compliances. Individuals in this role will be expected to develop strong working relationships with leaders and caretakers to implement solutions ensuring compliance and continuous improvement. The Senior Animal Welfare Auditor will be actively engaged in the training of auditors and provide direction on day to day activities.
For more information, see the attached position overview.
Livestock Industries Program Coordinator & Livestock Judging Coach
Michigan State University is the Pioneer Land Grant University and is an international leader in agricultural instruction. The Department of Animal Science is recognized for excellence in teaching and learning, as well as, high quality farm centers and livestock. The Institute of Agricultural Technology (IAT) delivers innovative, educational programs that develop career-ready graduates through intensive, practical, hands-on learning and skill enhancement. Right now, they are looking for an Academic Specialist in the Department of Animal Science at Michigan State University, E. Lansing, MI (continuing appointment).
The position will offer the opportunity to provide leadership for the IAT Livestock Industries certification program within the Department of Animal Science. Responsibilities include recruitment, counseling, and advising of IAT students. The individual will be active in developing and instructing IAT and undergraduate livestock management, and livestock and carcass evaluation educational programs. The position will be responsible for coordinating the Michigan State University Collegiate Livestock Judging Team. The successful applicant will be encouraged to foster relationships with the livestock industry, high school counselors and teachers, youth livestock educators, and diverse communities throughout Michigan.
For more information about qualifications and how to apply, see the attached flyer.
Full-Time Position at Meijer
Meijer is looking for meat cutters/processors. They knife cut and band saw from primal that are sent in to spec cut product for the consumer, tray up product and wrap to floor for purchase; they also grind the trim and what is sent in from warehouse according to spec., and cut the butcher shop fresh each day and maintain throughout the day. They have an opening shift from 5:00 am-1:00 pm and a closing shift 12:00 pm-9:00 pm and some mid shifts on weekends as well.
Students interested can apply at and fill out an application. There is a two-step interview process and if there are any questions about he positions or the process, please contact Carl Meier.
Technology Support Analyst and Quality Specialist, Raleigh, NC
Dairy Records Management Systems (DRMS) is seeking two energetic, positive professionals who enjoy helping people in the dairy industry. The Technical Support position offers a career in customer care, working directly with customers and consultants, solving problems, and educating users. The Software Quality Specialist position also makes use of the applicant’s dairy background, but the focus is on working with the software development team to ensure the quality of software delivered to the industry.
These positions will be based in the North Carolina State University (Raleigh) office which, in conjunction with the Iowa State University office, provides monthly DHIA management reports and on-farm software (PCDART, PocketDairy) to over 14,000 producers with 2.2M cows and to 500 nutritionists, veterinarians and management consultants.A degree in Dairy/Animal Science (or equivalent agriculture degree with dairy knowledge) is required. Experience working with dairy farm records (DHIA) is preferred. Find out more about DRMS by visiting
Apply for either of these positions by visiting: (Tech Support) (Quality Analyst)
University of IL Poultry Manager Position
The Animal Sciences Department at the Univ of Illinois is searching for a Poultry Farm Manager.
This position coordinates research activities and directs the daily operational management of the Poultry Research Unit in
Urbana, IL. The position provides hands-on unit management and coordination of animal research; the incumbent interacts closely with faculty, staff, students, administrators, other research unit supervisors, veterinarians, and compliance personnel.
Must have at least 2 years experience working with poultry. B.S. required/M.S. preferred.
Open Position at Witmer's Food and Grain
In the middle of farm country, on the old family farmstead and surrounded by farm ground, sits Witmer’s Feed & Grain. A family owned feed mill founded in 1978, Witmer’s has grown and expanded from a local feed mill to a regional leader in feed manufacturing, grain processing and dairy consultative services. With enduring principles of hard work, transparency and honesty, they are focused on remaining a business characterized by personalized customer service.
Witmer's Food and Grain in Columbiana, OH is currently searching for someone with both an agriculture and accounting background for a full time position at 45 hrs a week. At Witmers, they provide more than a salary – they provide a care system! They have put together a collection of benefits for employees so that they can feel comfortable and taken care of. Some of the benefits include:
Medical Insurance
Vision Plan
Life Insurance
Disability Compensation
401K Retirement Plan
Paid Time Off
Authorized Leave
Employee PerksAnyone interested may send a resume to Cindy Ridzon, the office manager, or visit Witmer's website!
Job Position at QTest Labs
There is a great position available at QTest Labs as a laboratory animal technician! This is being offered for both full-time and part-time positions!
The Laboratory Animal Technician (LAT) will have the primary responsibility for overseeing the animal husbandry on a day-to-day and study-to-study basis. The LAT will perform daily animal care and daily routine cleaning of labs and offices. Additionally, the LAT will perform study-specific skill sets as required. These skill sets may be, but not limited to, study room set-up, environmental logs, animal logs, shipping and handling, data collection, and quality control of data. The LAT will be trained and signed off on all aspects of the job description, as well as the GLP’s. The LAT is responsible for reading and following all pertinent SOPs related to the job description and facility.
For more information, contact Jay Schmidt, the DIrector of Operations at QTest Labs.
Herdsman Position at Pfeifer Dairy Farms
See the attached position announcement for a dairy herd manager position at a 500-cow dairy farm in Bucyrus, OH. The position would involve mostly working with the herd health and breeding programs. They are looking for someone with passion to work with dairy cattle and experience in a similar position who is a problem solver. For additional information, use the contact information on the announcement or contact Kent Stuckey at 419-834-0087.
Summer Experience in Agricultural Research
OVERVIEW: The work experience for Agricultural Research students will include learning research techniques and processes in a variety of areas including nutrient management, dairy cattle nutrition, agronomy, reproductive physiology of dairy cattle and horses, and dairy cattle behavior. Forage quality assessment procedures will be taught in Miner Institute’s Forage Laboratory. Students may also gain work experience in the dairy research facility: feeding cows for individual feed intakes, measuring in situ digestibilities in ruminally cannulated cows, milk sampling, urine/fecal sampling, blood sampling, and assessing dairy cattle behavior. Research techniques for evaluating crop performance and ensiling practices will also be learned.
All students will be asked to work long hours on occasion, but no more so than would normally be expected in an agricultural research facility as a graduate student or technician. Students work approximately every other weekend.
Weekly meetings update the students about research and farm activities including dairy, crops, and equine. Extended sessions on relevant topics such as nutrition, reproduction, mastitis management, animal health and field crops will be held throughout the summer. Instructors include Miner Institute faculty members Katie Ballard, Kurt Cotanch, Heather Dann, Wanda Emerich, Eric Young, Rick Grant, Steve Kramer, Karen Lassell, and graduate students. The small class size makes it possible to at least partially tailor the program to meet the needs of each student. Students will also participate in a weekly seminar series.
Each student will become involved in an independent study project in one of the areas which is the focus of Miner Institute’s research program: dairy nutrition, dairy behavior, equine behavior, dairy reproduction, equine reproduction, crops, nutrient management, and calf management. Each student will work with a faculty member to plan, conduct, and summarize the project. At the end of the summer, oral and written reports will be presented.ENROLLMENTS, CREDITS, & COMPENSATION
This program is available to agriculture and life science students in their junior or senior years of study. Students are encouraged to register for college credit at their home institution. Students are responsible for making arrangements for credits. This program is designed as a 4-credit course, although other arrangements may be made through the student’s home institution. Each student’s wage for the 13-week semester is $3,000. The students live at Miner Institute where student housing, and breakfast and lunch each weekday are provided for a cost of $300 for the summer.The 2017 program begins May 22 and ends August 18.
Applicants are required to provide the following:
• Completed Summer Experience application
• A copy of college transcript
• Two letters of recommendation, one from college advisor and one from a previous employer
• Letter outlining career goals and reasons for application, include any research experience and skills in field crop or livestock production
Printable Agricultural Research Internship Brochure
Miner Institute provides equal employment opportunities.SEND COMPLETED APPLICATIONS AND LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION BY FEB. 15 TO:
Katie Ballard
Director of Research
Miner Institute
P.O. Box 90
Chazy, New York 12921
518-846-7121, ext. 112
518-846-8445 (fax)
Graduate Funding Opportunity at Ohio State
The College of Veterinary Medicine at The Ohio State University is now accepting applications for the David White Graduate Fellowship. The college is part of the most comprehensive health sciences center in the United States and offers interdisciplinary research training opportunities for graduate students, leading to careers as independent biomedical scientists.
Three departments in the college encompass a wide range of comparative and veterinary research, including Veterinary Biosciences, Veterinary Clinical Sciences, and Veterinary Preventive Medicine, which provides the major agricultural and public health focus for the college.
A new international focus on “One Health” recognizes the crucial links between human, animal and environmental health. With the guidance of exceptional, world-renowned faculty, students in Comparative and Veterinary Medicine can also specialize in signature areas that include:
Infectious Diseases
- Antimicrobial resistance mechanisms
- Pathobiology, treatment and prevention of viruses - Host response to infection and local microbial communities
- Ecology of pathogen emergence and spread
Comparative and Translational Oncology
Neuromusculoskeletal/Regenerative Medicine
Please see the attached flyer for more information. Applictions are due April 1, 2017. Questions can be directed to Kathy Froilan, Graduate Program Coordinator,, 614-247-7649.
Animal Sciences Undergraduate Research Experience
Funding is available to students studying in animal sciences or a related discipline to conduct research with faculty located in Columbus and at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center in Wooster, Ohio. Applicants must commit to full-time research over a 10 week period during summer 2017 and submit an abstract to participate in the CFAES and University Denman undergraduate research forums spring semester 2018. Deadline: February 15, 2017.
For additional information on available positions and application visit this site. -
Applications for 2017 – 2018 Pork Industry Scholarships Now Open!
All juniors and seniors in college who plan to pursue a career in swine production management or a related field, or will be seeking to attend veterinary or graduate school and major in a discipline with an emphasis on swine, are invited to submit an application for consideration to receive one of the scholarships sponsored by the Pork Checkoff.
Application guidelines, located on, must be followed and may be submitted online by using the application form located on as well.
The deadline for applications is February 17 2017. Recipients will be notified in April, 2017 and money will be available for the Fall 2017 semester.
"The pork industry is committed to continual improvement in producing safe, wholesome protein. Identifying and developing the next generation of leaders and decision-makers is critical to this continual improvement,” says Chris Hostetler, Animal Science Director for the Pork Checkoff. "A survey of previous scholarship winners revealed that 80% are perusing advanced degrees in preparation to serve the industry as veterinarians, nutritionists, reproductive biologists and management consultants."
Specific questions about the Pork Industry Scholarship program should be directed to Dr. Chris Hostetler at or 515-223-2606. -
Farmer, Lumpe + McClelland Excellence in Communications Scholarship
Seven undergraduate scholarships of up to $3,000 each will be awarded, and one $3,000 Farmer, Lumpe + McClelland Excellence in Communications Scholarship, which was founded to provide resources to young people with a passion for agricultural and business communication. Also available to one undergraduate student is a $5,000 Bhima Vijayendran Scholarship, named to honor Dr. Vijayendran’s contributions to the soybean industry through his scientific research and commercialization activities at Battelle. This scholarship was founded to support those pursuing a degree related to science, technology or soybean research.
Applicants must be Ohio residents enrolled as full-time students at an Ohio college or university, having attained at least sophomore status by the fall of 2017, with a grade point average of 3.0 or higher. Eligible majors include biology, biochemistry, bioengineering, molecular biology, chemistry, engineering, biotechnology, bioenergy, biofuels, food science, crop science, environmental science, agricultural communications, agricultural business, agricultural education or any of the agricultural disciplines or related fields. -
ADM Ag Operations Scholarships Available
ADM is awarding $1,000 scholarships to select college students entering careers in ag-operations.
To be considered for a scholarship, students must:
• Possess a cumulative GPA of 2.8 or above (based on a
4.0 scale);
• Be entering an operations career in an ag-related field;
• Be a U.S. citizen; and
• Submit the following items by February 1, 2017:
– Resume
– Statement outlining personal and professional goals
(no more than 500 words)
– Statement demonstrating interest in pursuing an
ag-operations career at ADM.
If selected as a scholarship recipient, you will have the opportunity to interview with an ADM representative to further discuss your interest in a career in operations at ADM.
Apply online.
The Undergraduate Fellowship Office is seeking nominees for the Udall Scholarship!
The Udall Scholarship awards $7,000 to recognize outstanding sophomores and juniors committed to careers related to the environment, or to Native American students pursuing careers related to tribal policy/tribal health care. Forty scholarships will be awarded in the environmental category; tw.enty scholars will be selected for students passionate about Indian country. Successful applicants will not only have plans to become environmental or tribal leaders, but will have already begun demonstrating this commitment through related activities, research, academics, and job/internship experience.
Students interested in Ohio State's nomination for the Udall must submit a campus application by February 13, 2017. More information can be found on the Udall's website -
College Scholarship Application is now open for the 2017-18 academic year
All students in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences are encouraged to fill out the College Scholarship Application for the 2017-18 academic year.
You will only need to fill out one application to be eligible for scholarships from the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, School of Environment and Natural Resources, and ATI/Wooster. The priority deadline for completing the application is February 15, 2017.
The simple on-line form requires you to write a short 300 word essay, list of present and previous work experience, involvement in extracurricular activities, provide details about involvement in groups. Students in the School of Environment and Natural Resources will only need to complete this application for 2017-18 as the supplemental questions are within this application. Applicants who have participated in 4-H regardless of University/College, Campus, or major are to complete this application and the additional supplemental questions when you check “Yes” on the involvement in 4-H.
Contact Dr. Pat Whittington with questions -
Cargill Global Scholars Program Application Launch
It is time to announce the launch of the 2016-2017 application cycle of the Cargill Global Scholars Program. Current freshman and sophomore undergraduate students enrolled at Ohio State University who demonstrate exemplary academic achievement and leadership potential are encouraged to apply.
The application deadline is March 1, 2017 and they are currently accepting applications online, through our website. To access the application or learn more about the Cargill Global Scholars Program, please visit their site.
For further information on the Cargill Global Scholars Program in the U.S., including requesting hard copy brochures or posters which we can mail to your department, please email or call 1-844-803-9887. -
CFAES Programs
For a complete list of CFAES programs, check here. If you have any questions about the programs that we offer, contact Ms. Kelly Newlon, Agricultural Administration Bldg., Room 100. 614-688-4144
Join Alpha Zeta Partners
Alpha Zeta Partners, a co-ed agricultural honorary fraternity, is currently accepting applications for Class 19. To be eligible, students must be a freshman or sophomore in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences and have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Check AZP out on our website at, Facebook or Instagram! If you have any questions or would like a copy of the application (due February 6th), please contact Alex Neilley or Summer McCracken.
Experience OSU for a Day Hosts Needed
Do you enjoy sharing your passion for Ohio State with others? Would you be willing to show high school students what it is like to be a Buckeye? The "Experience OSU for a Day" (EOFD) Program allows prospective students to get a feel for what college is really like. These students visit CFAES frequently, and we are in need of volunteers to show these students around campus when they come to visit. If you were a host last semester, we need your new schedule!
EOFD Hosts volunteer to have prospective high school students shadow them from 9:30 a.m. until 1 p.m. for 1-2 weekdays each semester. Hosting is very flexible and can be adjusted to fit your schedule. Hosts are encouraged to take their shadow(s) to class, the Oval, the Union, a room in Nosker House, and to eat lunch at Parker Dairy Store (lunch is free for the host and shadow). Hosting is open to any CFAES student who has completed at least one semester of classes at the Columbus campus. To sign up, simply fill out the form and email it to Abby Motter. Feel free to contact Abby if you have questions! -
University Mental Health Resources
All OSU Counseling and Consultation Services (CCS) staff were sent home to tele-commute until further notice.The CCS phone line 614-292-5766 remains available for emergency assistance 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. Students can push 2 to reach a mental health counselor at any time.
CCS has suspended onsite and in person services, including those at embedded locations, through at least May 3, 2020. You are still able to connect with a counselor for a 30 minute phone or video consultation using Carmen Zoom or Skype. These consultations are offered 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM Monday through Friday in order to check in with students, problem solve, and offer support. Students will need to share their address/location at the time of the call.
Students can access many self-help tools that are available on the CCS website at . The CCS COVID-19 updates page linked to the website is a great resource. On that page, students will find helpful coping skills such as the mental health strategies video series. This time that can be difficult for many. All students are encouraged to check that out.
This link also contains some great information for coping right now:
If you encounter a suspected emergency situation with any student during this time, crisis support is available by calling CCS at 614-292-5766. If this happens with the student remotely located, please try to get as much contact information about the student such as name, phone number, OSU dot #, and address where they are currently located. If you suspect safety is at risk or compromised at that time for the student or anyone they are with, please call 9-1-1. They will help immediately regardless of where the student is physically located. After you have done one of the steps above, please let me know of the situation so that follow up contact attempts can be made with the student. Please make sure to provide me with the best way to reach you right now too.
This is an unusual time for all of us. Please practice good self-care, social distancing, and stay safe. Additional information on Coronavirus (COVID-19) is available at . Faculty and Staff should also remember our OSU Employee Assistance Program is still available by contacting 614-292-4700 or 800-678-6269.
A full list of available counselors in the college can be found here.
CFAES Mental Health Counselor
Did you know that CFAES has hired a counselor to support the needs of their students' mental health? Dr. Wirt holds counseling sessions in Ag Admin Room 100 four days a week and is in Lincoln Tower on Wednesday. See the attached if you’re interested in making an appointment.
Portfolium Resource Page
The College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences has renewed its partnership with and will continue to provide ALL students and faculty the opportunity to create a professional, online digital portfolio. In today’s world, employers seek evidence of career-relevant skills and competencies beyond listings on a resume. Students at all levels can easily create evidence-based credentials. In other words, attaching documents, videos, audio files, graphics, coding samples and presentations help demonstrate your knowledge and abilities.
You should have already received your Portfolium invitation with the subject: “Access your CFAES Portfolium.” The email contains a link to activate your free verified account within the CFAES network using your Ohio State credentials. If you missed the initial email, you can also join by using the Portfolium Resource Page.
For more information or inquires, contact Elaine Eberlin.