The AFA Animal Institute is held annually in the heart of the Animal Health Corridor. This Institute is open to all college students pursuing agriculture related careers to promote understanding of the Corridor and animal-related career opportunities, as well as to connect industry leaders with future talent. Approximately 90 students are selected each year to travel to Kansas City for this three-day event that will take place April 8th-10th. The itinerary includes area visits to animal health services and business, as well as an organizational overview and welcome by staff leadership. The event also features an industry dinner where corporate leaders and student participants are able to connect and summarize their experiences. Following the day of industry tours, students participate in panels and discussions about various aspects of the animal industry.
Students interested in attending the AFA Animal Institute are selected through an application process. Students are selected based on industry and leadership involvement, career goal and articulation of the benefit of the program to their career development. Once selected to attend the Institute the only cost to the student is travel. Hotel, meals, and event materials are covered by AFA and its partners.The application deadline is this Wednesday, Jan. 31st! To access the application, use this link.