Kentucky Equine is now accepting applications for the Fall 2021 Kentucky Equine Management Internship (KEMI) session! Applications for Fall will be accepted through April 30th with the actual internship taking place June 21-December 3, 2021. More information and the application form can be found on their website:
Or you could attend one of our virtual information sessions:
Tuesday, February 2 - 10am
Wednesday, February 10 - 1pm
Thursday, February 18 - 4pm
Monday, February 22 - 10am
Tuesday, March 2 - 1pm
Wednesday, March 10 - 4pm
Thursday, March 18 - 10am
Monday, March 22 - 1pm
Tuesday, March 30 - 4pm
Wednesday, April 7 - 10am
Thursday, April 15 - 1pm
Monday, April 19 - 4pm
Tuesday, April 27 - 10am
Just email ( to let them know which info session you prefer and they'll send you the link to join in!