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Department of Animal Sciences


Ohio Poultry Internship

The Ohio poultry industry is dynamic and growing. There will be an increased need for a well-qualified work force in the near future. The goal of this internship is to expose undergraduate students to the different segments of Ohio’s Poultry Industry with hopes that the student will then select one area to further explore in a future internship. Successful candidates will work three to four weeks at each of the following: Ohio Broiler Operation, Ohio Turkey Operation, Ohio Egg Operation. Time with each of these will include on farm, processing and operational experience.

Biosecurity is a major consideration when moving employees and visitors from farm to farm. Therefore, there will be approximately one-week between each of the farm located experiences. This week will be spent with the Ohio Poultry Association (OPA) learning about segments of the industry. OPA experiences will include bird health (NPIP) and welfare programs, industry advocacy, consumer education and promotion.

The Ohio Poultry Association facilitates this program. Overall program supervisor is Jim Chakeres, Executive Vice President. Each poultry operation will be providing one point of contact for the intern. Those interested in this internship should send a cover letter and resume to Mr. Chakeres.