CFAES Give Today

Department of Animal Sciences


Student Newsletter: March 21st, 2022

Welcome to Week 30! We hope you had a relaxing Spring break!

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  1. The Office of Student Life, in collaboration with the College of Food, Agriculture, and Environmental Sciences, OSU Extension, the Chief Wellness Officer and the University District Organization will be growi

  2. The Half a Hog ASGSA Fundraiser is here again! Tickets are 1 for $5 or 5 for $20. They will pick 2 winners on April 11th! Each winner will win over 50 lbs of pork (chops, ham, ham steaks, bacon, sausage, & roasts)!!

  3. CFAES is holding a Celebration of Students on April 14th, 2022 at 5:30 in the Archie Griffin Ballroom. All faculty, staff and undergraduate students are encouraged to attend! 

  4. There are upcoming Buckeye Bridge Series events! 

  5. CHAIRE is excited to announce that Pilot Dogs is partnering with the Human-Animal Interactions Club to develop a puppy raising program.


  1. The Vet Clinic is looking for someone for someone who could fulfill both the kennel technician role as well as a veterinary assistant role. The kennel technician shifts include Wednesday PM, Friday PM, and Saturday afternoon/PM.

  2. The Equine Reproduction Laboratory, Colorado State University, is offering one (1) Equine Breeding Farm Internship that will begin on July 1, 2022.

  3. The Wilds' summer camp program at the Columbus Zoo is looking for counselors! Counselors spend weeklong periods, of up to 6 days, living at the camp facility with the campers. More information is attached

  4. Pleasant Valley Farms of Berkshire, VT is a progressive large dairy farm utilizing multiple locations to manage the different life stages of their cattle.

  5. Black Leg Ranch is offering an internship for summer of 2022! They are an extremely diverse cow/calf, bison, and feeding operation in southern North Dakota. The application and more information can be found at their website

  6. Whitestone Farm LLC has available positions for 2022!


  1. The Ohio State University Lab Animal Resources group has job openings for any graduates that are interested in a full time position with OSU. 


  1. The Roy A. Wallace Beef Improvement Federation Memorial Scholarship application is now open! For more information, see attached.

  2. The annual Frank Baker/Larry Cundiff Scholarship is being sponsored by the Beef Improvement Federation. Students currently enrolled in an advanced degree program at an accredited university in the United States or Canada are eligible. Students need not be U.S. citizens.

  3. The Angus Foundation is honored to be able to award academic scholarships for students using registered Angus bulls in their family’s commercial cattle operation.


  1. ASCA is our departmental student leadership team involved in the recruitment of high school students, peer mentorship through the ANIM SCI 1100 and 2700 courses as well as the Cristo Rey Columbus HS Science Club, and the planning and implementation of retention and community-building events like


  1. All OSU Counseling and Consultation Services (CCS) staff were sent home to tele-commute until further notice.The CCS phone line 614-292-5766 remains available for emergency assistance 24 hours per day, 7 days a week.

  2. Did you know that CFAES has hired a counselor to support the needs of their students' mental health?  Dr.

  3. The College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences has renewed its partnership with and will continue to provide ALL students and faculty the opportunity to

  4. The Career Services page on the departmental site has been redeveloped to hopefully make it more user-friendly. Check out helpful resources for building a resume, writing cover letters and more. There are resume templates that can be used to create a resume in case you don’t know where to start

  5. Job search

    In addition to company websites, below is a list of websites that you might find helpful in your search for a full-time position, or even internship experience.

    Ag Explorer