CFAES Give Today

Department of Animal Sciences


Student Newsletter: November 15th, 2021

  1. Pet Food Nutrition: New in Spring 2022!

    Pet Food Nutrition (ANIM SCI 4035) is debuting next Spring semester! In this class, you will learn about the behind-the-scenes of pet food! It will be held in-person Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9:10-10:05. For more information, see attatched

  2. CFAES Student Council T-Shirt Fundraiser

    The CFAES student council is having a T-Shirt fundraiser! If you want to support them, you can order through this link! More information on the types of shirts they are selling is attatched
    If you have any questions, reach out to Lydia Krage.6. 

  3. Virtual Career Fair - USDA Grading

    The Agricultural Marketing Service is seeking smart, independent & objective individuals to represent USDA at meat, poultry & egg plants across the U.S. Attend their virtual career fair on November 18th to meet their team, learn about their mission, and see what a career as a USDA Grader has to offer! You can register for the event here
    More infromation about the schedule is attatched

  4. Study Spot: Plumb Hall 116

    Looking for a place to study? Need a quick snack between classes? Look no further!! 
    Plumb Hall 116 is a quiet place to get work done and is probably close to many of your classes! And, there are a variety of snacks offered for just $1! 
    Stop by if you are looking for a new spot! :)

  5. Texas A&M Ph.D. in Genetics and Genomics

    The Interdisciplinary Program in Genetics and Genomics is the premier interdisciplinary Ph.D. program in the Natural Sciences at Texas A&M University and offers research opportunities in a diverse range of Specialties: Bioinformatics and Genomics; Conservation, Population and Evolution Genetics; Medical Genetics; Microbial Genetics; Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Genetics; and Plant Genetics. The Program provides research opportunities to aspiring scientists in these various fields for successful careersin academia, government, and industry. Completion of the Ph.D. degree requires core curriculum coursework, preliminary examinations, teaching, and the development, completion, and defense of a research project. Generally, 4 to 5 years of study is required to complete 96 semester hours. The Ph.D. degree is awarded principally on demonstrated ability to conduct significant and original scientific research. The Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Genetics and Genomics welcomes all applicants without discrimination and is committed to providing an accessible and inclusive environment where all learners, including those with disabilities, have access to university resources.

    The free online application is now open for fall 2022 admissions until December 1, 2021. 

    They offer: 

    ·      100 Genetics faculty members available as academic advisors  

    ·      Three rotations in the first semester to find the best fit for a permanent lab 

    ·      Collaborative, interdisciplinary research opportunities 

    ·      Access to cutting edge facilities 

    ·      Events to foster community 

    ·      Opportunities to obtain graduate certificates to prepare for specialized careers  

    ·      Customized training aligned to student’s career goals 

    Teaching and Research Assistantships including a stipend ($30K/year), tuition and fees, and health insurance. More information can be found here.

  6. STgenetics Internship Opportunities

    STgenetics is excited to offer six internship positions for 2022! The areas consist of:

    The applications are attatched but can also be found on this website
    Interns can send the completed application along with a resume to Applications will close on Friday, December 10th. Any applications received after the deadline will not be included for review.

  7. Select Sires Summer Internships

    The Select Sires Summer internship applications are now open! They have several oppurtuinities for college students in locations across the country. To check out the job oppurtunities and descritions, visit their website

  8. Livestock Technician Opening

    Select Sires, Inc. is seeking motivated individuals to join their team as a Livestock Technician. This hourly, non-exempt position is located at their facility in Plain City, Ohio. Candidates must be self-directed, detail-oriented, and organized. Current openings include:

    For the part-time postion, employees qualify for the Part-Time Employee Tuition Refund program. Information on this can be found here

  9. Certified Angus Beef Opportunities

    Certified Angus Beef has some upcoming opportunities for students interested in learning more about the beef business! 
    Students with a passion to learn and share about the beef industry should apply for Youth Beef Leaders Seminar. A committee will choose five applicants to attend a 3-day, all-expenses-paid event at the Certified Angus Beef Culinary Center in Wooster, Ohio, on December 15-17. Attendees network with collegiate Angus leaders and CAB staff while learning more about the opportunities that premium beef offers Angus cattlemen. Applications are due by November 10. Students can learn more and apply here
    Applications are also open for CAB summer communications internships. Certified Angus Beef will fill three positions: one communications intern; one public relations + communications intern; and one social media intern. CAB will provide housing for their 10-12 weeks in Ohio. Those selected will be asked to attend Youth Beef Leaders Seminar in December, all expenses covered. Applications are due November 19. To learn more and apply, visit their internship website.


  10. Research Farm Assistant Position at Eastern Ag Research Station

    The Research Farm Assistant position at Eastern Agriculture Research Station (EARS) is now posted through November 28
    You can find more information about the responsibilities and requirements and apply through this link! 

  11. Graduate Research Assistant/Visiting Scholars Positions at Kansas State

    Kansas State University has two Graduate Research Assistant (MSc) or Visiting Research Scholar positions available in the Department of Animal Sciences and Industry at the Kansas State University, under guidance of Dr. Victor Gomez Leon. Their developmental group focuses on combining fundamental physiology with applied reproduction and technologies used in dairy cattle. For more information on the duties and requirements for the positions, see attatched
    To apply, send the following documents to with the subject GRA/USDA application: (1) One-page cover letter including research interests, future goals, and how you fit the position; (2) Curriculum vitae including names and contact information for two professional references. Review of applications will continue until the position is filled.

  12. Summer Undergraduate Research in Genetics and Genomics (SURGe) Program

    The Texas A&M Summer Undergraduate Research in Genetics and Genomics (SURGe) Program is a 10-week intensive research experience under the mentorship of one of their Faculty of Genetics members that include a 3-credit hour Bioinformatics class. The free online application is now open for summer 2022 admissions until February 15, 2022

    The introductory Bioinformatics class provides training in modern bioinformatics tools via command-line used in genetics and genomics. The credits are transferable to their home institution. Additionally, students will have weekly meetings to explore research and career opportunities in genetics and genomics, discuss research ethics, how to apply to graduate school, and learn practical oral and written presentation skills. 

    See more information here.  

  13. Whitestone Farm Equine Internship

    Whitestone Farm LLC has new paid internship openings for 2023! Whether you are already a budding professional, or have no horse experience at all, they have educational packages designed to take you to the next level! They have provided successful internships and job placements for hundreds of candidates. 
    All internship positions require at least a one year commitment. If you have any questions, you can email Carol Hawley at
    More information about the positions offered is attatched


  14. COBA/Select Sires Employment Opportunities

    COBA/Select Sires has two new full-time job oppurtunities! They are looking for a Shipping Coordinator and a Communications Coordinator. Attatched below are the requirements for each job and more information about what they entail. 

    Shipping Coordinator 

    Communications Coordinator 


  15. CFAES Scholarship Application

    The CFAES scholarship application is open! To access it, visit this website
    The application is due February 15th, 2022

  16. South Africa Study Abroad Info Sessions

    There are two upcoming informaiton sessions about South Africa: Exotic Animal Behavior and Welfare
    One is Tuesday, November 16th from 11:10 AM-12:10 PM at Kottman Hall room 104. 
    The other session will be held virtuially on Friday, November 19 from 12:00-1:00 PM. You can register here!



  17. England: Evolution in Darwin’s World & Ours Education Abroad Program

    Information sessions on the Evolution in Darwin's World and Ours Education Abroad Program in England are being held this week and next! Attatched is a slide with information on the dates and times of these meetings. The application deadline is December 1st

  18. Spring 2022 UTA Application

     If you are interested in professional development, serving as a UTA is a great opportunity! Requirements to serve as a UTA include: Third year rank or higher, enrollment in the Department of Animal Sciences on the Columbus campus for at least one year, successful completion of at least 3 of the following courses: 3100, 3110, 3130, 3140, 3150, 3160, 3170, or 3200, a 3.0 GPA or better overall in the major, and completion of the UTA course assignment with a letter grade of a “B” or better. Information and the application are available here and are due December 1st (but you are encouraged to apply early).
    Students accepted as UTA are required to complete an online UTA orientation and the Institutional Data Policy Training. Students may apply for 1-2 credits of 3488 (repeatable up to 6 credits, with a maximum of 3 credits applied toward graduation).  
    If you have any questions, reach out to


  19. University Mental Health Resources

    All OSU Counseling and Consultation Services (CCS) staff were sent home to tele-commute until further notice.The CCS phone line 614-292-5766 remains available for emergency assistance 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. Students can push 2 to reach a mental health counselor at any time.

    CCS has suspended onsite and in person services, including those at embedded locations, through at least May 3, 2020.  You are still able to connect with a counselor  for a 30 minute phone or video consultation using Carmen Zoom or Skype. These consultations are offered 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM Monday through Friday in order to check in with students, problem solve, and offer support.  Students will need to share their address/location at the time of the call.

    Students can access many self-help tools that are available on the CCS website at . The CCS COVID-19 updates page linked to the website is a great resource. On that page, students will find helpful coping skills such as the mental health strategies video series. This time that can be difficult for many. All students are encouraged to check that out.

    This link also contains some great information for coping right now:

    If you encounter a suspected emergency situation with any student during this time, crisis support is available by calling CCS at 614-292-5766. If this happens with the student remotely located, please try to get as much contact information about the student such as name, phone number, OSU dot #, and address where they are currently located. If you suspect safety is at risk or compromised at that time for the student or anyone they are with, please call 9-1-1. They will help immediately regardless of where the student is physically located. After you have done one of the steps above, please let me know of the situation so that follow up contact attempts can be made with the student. Please make sure to provide me with the best way to reach you right now too.

    This is an unusual time for all of us. Please practice good self-care, social distancing, and stay safe. Additional information on Coronavirus (COVID-19) is available at . Faculty and Staff should also remember our OSU Employee Assistance Program is still available by contacting 614-292-4700 or 800-678-6269.

    A full list of available counselors in the college can be found here

  20. CFAES Mental Health Counselor

    Did you know that CFAES has hired a counselor to support the needs of their students' mental health?  Dr. Wirt holds counseling sessions in Ag Admin Room 100 four days a week and is in Lincoln Tower on Wednesday. See the attached if you’re interested in making an appointment.

  21. Portfolium Resource Page

    The College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences has renewed its partnership with and will continue to provide ALL students and faculty the opportunity to create a professional, online digital portfolio. In today’s world, employers seek evidence of career-relevant skills and competencies beyond listings on a resume. Students at all levels can easily create evidence-based credentials. In other words, attaching documents, videos, audio files, graphics, coding samples and presentations help demonstrate your knowledge and abilities.

    You should have already received your Portfolium invitation with the subject: “Access your CFAES Portfolium.” The email contains a link to activate your free verified account within the CFAES network using your Ohio State credentials.  If you missed the initial email, you can also join by using the Portfolium Resource Page.

    For more information or inquires, contact Elaine Eberlin.

  22. Network with Alumnifire

    Alumnifire is an online professional networking and mentoring tool for Ohio State alumni, students and staff to exchange industry expertise and career advice. Get connected with Alumnifire and join this powerful Buckeye network.

    Learn more here

    For questions or additional information feel free to contact us at 614-292-3314 or 800-635-8944.

  23. Animal Sciences Career Services Site

    The Career Services page on the departmental site has been redeveloped to hopefully make it more user-friendly. Check out helpful resources for building a resume, writing cover letters and more. There are resume templates that can be used to create a resume in case you don’t know where to start. In addition, there is an option for students to submit their resume and/or cover letters for review, prior to applying for internships or going to the career expo. Check it out!

  24. Job Search Sites

    Job search

    In addition to company websites, below is a list of websites that you might find helpful in your search for a full-time position, or even internship experience.

    Ag Explorer

    Handshake (the OSU Job Database)

    Animal Science Jobs

    Ag Careers 

    Continental Search (Specific for Animal Agriculture)

    Federation of Animal Science Societies (Mostly Higher-Education Animal Science Positions)

    Equistaff (Equine-Specific)

    American Association of Zoos & Aquariums 

    American Associations of Laboratory Animal Science

    American Meat Science Association

    Ohio Hiring Management Systems

    Sciences Crossing

    Kimble Group