CFAES Give Today

Department of Animal Sciences


Student Newsletter: October 19, 2020

  1. Club of the Week

    This week's club of the Week is the Horseman's Association! For more information on this club and other CFAES Clubs, see here

  2. Pet of the Week

    Pepper is a 13 pound grey Flemish Giant Rabbit. Her birthday is July 4th and she is a year and 3 months. She is one of the most sassy and vocal rabbits you could ever meet. Pepper loves eating different fruits and vegtables, napping, getting a massage, and going outside to explore. She shows her love by booping you with her nose and runs around while she oinks/honks!

    For a chance of your pet getting featured, send a picture and description to Emily at

  3. New Internship Requirements


    Students are no longer permitted to conduct and receive credit for an internship while not also simultaneously enrolled in a course related to the work for which they will earn credit (e.g., interning over the summer and taking ANIM SCI 3191 class the following Autumn). Failure to comply with this university requirement could risk loss of grants, funding, and scholarships, as well as expose the student to risk without access to university student services.  Moving forward, all students will be required to enroll in FAES 3191, 0 credit hours, during the term that you are completing your internship requirement.  In other words, if you are completing an internship over the summer, you will need to enroll in FAES 3191 during the summer term.  This courses is graded S/U and is 0 credit hours; although there is not a cost for tuition at 0 credit hours, there will be fees associated.  This does not take the place of enrolling in ANIM SCI 3191 or MEAT SCI 3191.  Students will need to enroll in the respective departmental 3191 course either at the time of internship experience or within a year afterwards for academic credit.  

    To enroll in this course, fill out the attached form and have it signed by your academic advisor. 

  4. Buckeye Royal Showmanship Contest

    The Buckeye Dairy Club is fortunate enough to have been approved by the college to put on the Buckeye Royal Showmanship contest despite the crazy year we are undergoing. Their hope is that this will allow faculty, staff, and students alike to get out to the farm, take a breath of fresh air, bond with some cows, and get some social time with peers. They will be closely following University guidelines for COVID-19 protocols to ensure we all stay healthy! All are welcome to join, within the college or not, and they hope to see you there! 

    For more information and to sign up, see here

  5. Poultry Science Club Turkey Order

    The Poultry Science Club of OSU is now taking orders for our 70th annual Turkey Sale from now until November 11thOrders can be made online following the link or sent by mail or email. If you would like to order by mail or email, please email for an order form. Order pick up times will be  Monday, November 23st from 1:00 pm- 7:00 pm, and Tuesday, November 24nd from 11:00 am-7:00 pm in the OSU Animal Science Building. Payment can be made in the form of cash, venmo, or check and must be paid in full at the time of pick up. Please note that products are ordered by a weight range, so the price will vary with each individual product.

    Any questions can be addressed to If you do not receive a confirmation email from the club within 1-3 business days of your order, please email us at to make sure your order has been received. Thank you for your support!

  6. Buckeyes In Your Corner

    Our October BIYC event (see attached) will feature our CFAES embedded counselor, David Wirt on Tuesday, Oct. 27th at 6 PM!  He will be hosting a workshop to help us all learn how to handle the stress we’re all feeling this COVID term, and ways to tackle potentially challenging home environments as the fall term is finished at home.  


  7. COBA/Select Sires Internship

    COBA/Select Sires is now accepting applications for the 2021 Communications/Marketing Internship and the 2021 RSCM Internship.

    2021 Communications/Marketing Internship

    • Applications can be found on COBA’s website at or see here.
    • We ask that you share this information with any of your students that have interest in the dairy or beef industry. 
    • Resumes, cover letters and applications are due by October 30, 2020 (earlier than prior years) to

    2021 Reproductive Services Client Manager (RSCM) Internship


    • Information for our RSCM Internship is also available and found there on our careers page and is attached here.
    • We ask that you share this information with any of your students that have interest in the dairy or beef industry. 
    • Resumes and cover letters are due by November 15, 2020 to


  8. Angus Foundation Talon Internship Program

    The Angus Foundation is excited to announce applications are being accepted now through December 1 for the Talon Internship Program

    The internship honors the legacy of the late Camron “Cam” Cooper of the Talon Ranch, Twin Bridges, Montana. Cooper developed the Angus/Talon Youth Educational Learning Program Endowment Fund in 2009 to be a holistic educational experience for students. College sophomores, juniors, seniors and graduate students under the age of 25 majoring in an agricultural related field of study are eligible to apply for the internship. 

    “I would encourage anyone, whether they are in the Angus Breed or not, to pursue this internship. There are a lot of skills and networking opportunities available that will help them moving forward,” said Chase Brinegar, 2020 Talon intern. Brinegar said he gained a vast network of contacts and mentors, horsemanship, bull marketing, grazing knowledge, electrical, plumbing, and carpentry knowledge, fence and corral building, sheep and lambing knowledge just to name a few.

    Interns will also have the opportunity to participate in other Angus and beef cattle educational events and activities off the farm such as conferences, field days, etc.

    The Talon Interns are compensated by the Angus Foundation through the Angus/Talon Youth Educational Learning Program Endowment Fund. They are excited to have four host ranches this year for students to grow and learn at in 2021. 

    Preference may be given to recipients of the Talon Scholarship program, members of the American Angus Association/NJAA or animal science students. They welcome all applicants with a desire to learn more and work with beef cattle. Applicants should be outstanding students who are ambitious, eager to learn, able to be mentored, willing to put in elbow grease, and have an interest in a career working with beef cattle. 

    Attached you will find their flyer and student application. The application and additional details can also be found at their website.

  9. Midwest Poultry Consortium

    OSU is a member of the Midwest Poultry Consortium Center of Excellence Program. Several Ohio State students have participated in MPC’s COE program and OSU professor Dr. Cressman teaches at the Center of Excellence. The COE is a summer experience for students and allows students to take 9 credits of poultry science courses on scholarship. Courses run May 17 – June 25, planned to be in person at Iowa State University for 2021 (all scholarships include on-campus housing at ISU).  See the attachment for course descriptions. 

    After classes, students move into poultry internships. The internships are paid and if you are not near home, housing is included.  The deadline to apply is December 1st.  All students enrolled in a undergraduate program at OSU can apply, although students must have completed a college level chemistry course prior to starting COE. Students who start COE before their senior year have the opportunity to taken both sessions of COE classes, which will earn them 18 credits and a poultry science emphasis.

    More information on COE can be found here


  10. Fort Christopher's Thoroughbreds Breeding Intern

    Fort Christopher’s Thoroughbreds, LLC is a modern, thoroughbred facility located just 15 minutes from historic Saratoga Racecourse. They are currently accepting applications for the Breeding Internship program.

    The internships will allow students to actively participate in all aspects of a commercial thoroughbred operation. We’ve created a great learning environment for those students who are sincere in their desire to secure employment in the horse industry and/or pursue post baccalaureate education in veterinary studies or graduate school. The internship generally runs from Jan. 15th - April/May. This is a paid internship opportunity with housing provided. As an intern, students will have exposure to the following: Participate in daily horse care and management (horse handling, herd health management, record keeping, working closely with vet in all equine reproduction aspects etc.) Participate in foaling, foal watch, night barn checks, mucking stalls and breeding work. Reproductive management of mares and neonatal care. Develop skills in handling and training young horses. Stallion handling. Assist in breeding runs to local/regional breeding farms.

    For more information, see attached

  11. Alta Genetics Internship

    Alta Genetics is now accepting internship applications. They are accepting applications until November 6th. This internship will work on developing your consultative sale sakills and build your portfolio of large, progressive dairy accounts. You will work with our current network of sales managers to implement customized solutions focused in any of all of these key management areas. 

    To see the intership flyer, see here. For more information on their website, see here

  12. Riverview Dairy Internship

    Riverview has a dairy internship program in a variety of areas with opportunities available in Arizona, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Mexico and South Dakota. These paid internships will run from June 1 - August 6, 2021. The program is very hands-on and they bring the entire group of interns together throughout the summer for networking, field trips and labs. Interns also have weekly check-ins to make sure goals and expectations are being met. The application deadline is October 31, 2020.

    Internship Areas:
    Beef Feedlot/Systems
    Crop Production
    Dairy Construction
    Dairy Calf/Heifer Ranch
    Dairy Farm Production
    Human Resources

    If anyone has questions or would like more information, please contact Riverview at or visit the website:


  13. ABS Global Internship

    ABS Global is now recruiting for a variety of exciting opportunitites for their Summer 2021 Intern Positions. 

    Depending on postions, internships are open to high-school grads or those pursuing a degree at an accredited technical college or university. 

    The openings can be viewed here. 

  14. CentralStar Internship

    CentralStar has released their internship program for summer 2021. They are accepting applications until Oct. 31, 2020. Here’s the link to apply:

    There are also five open full-time positions right now: three in Wisconsin and two in Michigan. CentralStar is affiliated with Select Sires, the largest A.I. cooperative in the World, and CentralStar also has the fastest-growing DHI program in the United States. They offer a benefit package, paid time off, paid training, and have a great group of leaders. Those interested can take a look at the career opportunities on their website:

  15. Kentucky Equine Management Internship

    The Kentucky Equine Management Internship is planning to host interns for our upcoming Spring Reproduction and Breeding session to be held January 11-June 11, 2021 with some minor modifications to the academic portion of the course.

    Applications will be accepted (postmarked) through October 31, 2020.

    KEMI is also hosting weekly Info/Q&A  sessions for any students who might be interested.  Students are invited to "attend" any of these sessions. To attend, please email  Leslie Janecka at

    The Info session schedule is listed here:
    Monday, August 31 - 10am EST
    Monday, September 7 - 4pm EST
    Tuesday, September 15 - 1pm EST
    Wednesday, September 23 - 9am EST
    Thursday, October 1 - 5pm EST
    Monday, October 5 - 1 pm EST
    Tuesday, October 13 - 9am EST
    Wednesday, October 21 - 1pm EST
    Tuesday, October 27 - 4pm EST


  16. PhD and MS Student in Mastitis and Mammary Physiology

    The OARDC Mastitis and Mammary Physiology Laboratory led by Dr. Enger in the Department of Animal Sciences at Ohio State University is seeking applications for a full time MS and PhD student. They are seeking a highly motivated, inquisitive student interested in investigating intramammary infection’s effect on mammary gland function. The student would be responsible for conducting in vivo mastitis experiments and evaluating collected mammary tissues using microscopy and molecular techniques. Experiments will utilize both applied and basic research methods to answer fundamental questions pertaining to mammary physiology, and mastitis pathology.  

    Interested individuals should contact Dr. Enger ( and describe their research interests, provide their CV, and a writing sample, and unofficial transcripts.

  17. Lactation Physiology Graduate Student Position

    Dr. Amy Skibiel’s Lactation Physiology Lab, in the Department of Animal, Veterinary and Food Sciences, is recruiting graduate students! The main research themes of the lab center around lactation biology, animal physiology, and postnatal development. They utilize traditional laboratory assays and molecular techniques to investigate environmental influences on lactation physiology and milk production and to explore how offspring development, health, and performance are shaped by early-life experiences. Research questions are addressed from mechanistic, evolutionary, and production perspectives and are multidisciplinary - integrating aspects of dairy science, nutrition, physiology, molecular biology, animal behavior, and evolutionary biology. Study organisms include dairy cattle and small rodents. 

    If you’re interested, email Dr. Amy Skibiel ( with a brief statement describing 1) the reasons for your interest in joining my lab 2) your research interests, 3)relevant past experiences and skills, 4) a current curriculum vitae (resume), and 5) your GPA and unofficial transcripts. For information about graduate programs in AVS please visit

    For more information, see here

  18. NAAB Doak Graduate Fellowship

    The NAAB Doak Graduate Fellowship is a unique opportunity for individuals pursuing a career in the bovine genetic improvement industry to earn a Master of Science degree in bovine genetics or bovine male reproduction physiology. This is intended for individuals who have long term aspirations in the industry as exemplified by Dr. Gordon Doak, who dedicated 42 years to developing NAAB programs. The fellowship is open to any candidate who has completed a 4-year degree or equivalent and seeks an advanced degree at a major US university with an approved research project under the guidance of a mutually agreeable advisor.

    For more information on how to apply before the December 1st deadline, see attached

  19. Community Health Fellowship

    The Community Health Fellowship is a unique “gap year” opportunity for top recent college graduates from across the country. Since 2009, more than 112 graduates have served as Fellows, and the program continues to grow.

    This program offers high levels of responsibility and hands-on experience in community health, education, organizational management, and leadership. Also, the organization provides housing and a monthly educational stipend. 

    Project Horseshoe Farm offers Community Health Fellowship programs in Alabama and California. Alumni consistently express how transformative their Fellowship experience has been, and Fellows go to some of the top medical schools, graduate programs, and nonprofit organizations across the U.S.

    The first application deadline is November 15th, 2020. Their website gives a good overview of the programs, and you can find them on Handshake

    More information can be found here. 

  20. Celmens Food Group

    Clemens Food Group is looking to fill a postion in their Coldwater, Michigan plant. The role would be a food safety supervisor (see attached) in charge of their HACCP plans and shelf life program. They are looking for a self-starter, who can lead a team and work closely with USDA.

    Clemens Food Group is the industry leader in customer solutions. Originally founded in 1895, the Company has a long rich heritage, deeply rooted in values. Clemens Food Group is a vertically coordinated company that includes hog farming, food production, logistical services, and transportation. To this day, it remains steadfastly dedicated to continuing previous generations' commitment by operating as good stewards of the community and the environment, offering quality innovative products and services, and working with our business partners, customers, employees, and family members with the highest degree of integrity and ethics.

    The Food Safety Supervisor is responsible for administrating and analyzing all activities in support of CFG's regulatory compliance programs. This individual will also serve as the main CFG contact for all outsource vendor approval communications and activities.

  21. Columbus Area Pumpkin Patches

    Columbus Navigator has compiled a list of the best pumpkin patches near Columbus.

    The list includes Lynd Fruit Farm, Pigeon Roost Farm, and Leeds Farm. 

    The full list can be found here. 

  22. Hocking Valley Scenic Railway

    Since 1972, The Hocking Valley Scenic Railway has been operated and maintained by volunteers. The train departs each Thursday and Friday at 1 p.m. and Saturday & Sunday from the Nelsonville Depot at 12 p.m. and 2:30 p.m.

    The train ride is approximately 2 hours long. From Nelsonville, the train makes its way to Logan, before returning back to the depot.

    More information on the railway and information on purchasing tickets can be found here. 


    KXPRESS knows that students are creative and have great ideas for communicating knowledge. The Knowledge Exchange is looking to help amplify those ideas while providing scholarships up to $500 for selected finalists. We are looking for students to develop creative knowledge communication projects around one of a few Grand Challenges: water quality, rural-urban interface, farm and community stress, food security, and food waste. There is not a set submission format to follow. (Again, they’re looking for creativity!) More information is attached and can be found at Submissions are due on November 22nd at 11:59pm and can be uploaded via Qualtrics at Questions can be directed to Katie Miller at


  24. CABS Route Changes

    In alignment with recommendations from the Safe Campus and Scientific Advisory Subgroup, Campus Area Bus Service (CABS) continues to limit occupancy to support safety and physical distancing guidelines. For students coming/going to our CFAES Columbus campus, please note:

    • There are only two routes right now during the day. Additional routes are available after 7 p.m.
    • MC-Med Center Express goes from West campus directly to the hub near the Herrick Drive Transit Hub and back but does not go past our Midwest bus stop.
    • BL-Buckeye Loop: goes from the Buckeye lot (near Ackerman and Fred Taylor) in a loop that goes to the 4-H Center stop (new), Midwest campus stop (Woody Hayes), RPAC, and then back via Olentangy and Ackerman. It runs every 5 minutes during the day.

    We are working with CABS to possibly expand routes in the coming weeks. For more information on routes, please visit: Alternative transportation is included on TTM’s COVID response page:

  25. CFAES Columbus Campus Library and Common Spaces

    The CFAES Columbus campus Library will be open Monday-Friday 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Information about the current services offered is available at The library will reopen for the semester on January 25th. 

    30 study seats and three public workstations are available. 

    Please contact Florian Diekmann ( with any questions or concerns.

    Landing spaces for students have been set-up to follow COVID-19 guidelines.

    A list of the CFAES common areas can be found here:


  26. Libraries on Campus

    The Libraries are currently offering contact-free pickup by appointment at Thompson Library only, and document delivery through Interlibrary Services.  To see a full list of librries and their hours, see here.

    The Libraries will reopen to users on January 25, and will aim to provide services that support your teaching, learning and research in a safe and healthy environment.  Here’s what that will look like:

    Using the Libraries’ space: 

    ·         The Veterinary Medicine Library, as well as most department libraries, will operate on a modified schedule of 10am-4pm, Monday-Friday.  Thompson and 18th Avenue Libraries will maintain normal hours. Hours are subject to change. Please visit for current information.

    ·         Masks are required in all University Libraries facilities.

    ·         Library users are asked to maintain a safe, physical distance of six feet apart. We have spaced out seating in our common areas and closed our group study rooms to help make this possible.

    ·         Eating and drinking are not permitted. 

    ·         The Veterinary Medicine Library’s space will have restricted seating and will primarily be used for classroom and exam space.  You can also pick up reserved books and use our computers, printers, copiers and scanners.  We ask that you sanitize surfaces after use.

    Using the Libraries’ materials:

    ·         The book stacks will remain closed to the public. Materials must be requested through the Library Catalog. Only University Libraries staff may remove books from shelves. Any books brought to the circulation desk by visitors will have to be quarantined and unavailable for up to five days.

    ·         Materials you request can be picked up at a library circulation desk, or sent to your Columbus campus office. 

    ·         Returned materials will be quarantined for five days and will remain checked out on your account until quarantine is complete and they have been checked in.

    ·         Due to quarantine, OhioLINK and Interlibrary Loan requests will be delayed. 

    ·         Print course reserves and textbooks will circulate for extended loan periods, rather than two hours or in-library use.

    ·         Requests for new materials will take longer than normal to process.


  27. Animal Sciences COVID Hours

    The large majority of our faculty and staff will be telecommuting during the pandemic, which means the best way to get assistance is to email your advisor or instructors with questions, or to set up a Zoom or phone call.  There will be a contact directory of email and phone # of all faculty and staff posted at the main office (AS 110).  However, we will have administrative assistants that will be in on the following days/times & locations:

    • Tuesday (10 AM – 2 PM, AS 110)
    • Thursday (10 AM – 2 PM, AS 110 & AS 221)
    • Friday (10 AM – 2 PM, AS 110)

    All buildings on campus have a directional flow that you must follow:

    Animal Sciences Building 

    • Entrance door – south between Animal Science and Parker Food Science Buildings
    • Exit door - any available exit other than designated entrance
    • South stairway to ascend stairs to floors above
    • North stairway to descend  stairs
    • Lobby area – seating will be revised to ensure social distancing (7 chairs out of 14 will be removed)
    • Elevator – one-person limit

    Plumb Hall 

    • Entrance - handicapped door from parking lot
    • Exit door - any available exit other than designated entrance
    • Stairway up - northeast
    • Stairway down - southeast
    • Elevator – one-person limit
  28. Campus Updates and Support

    The Safe and Healthy Buckeyes website is continually updated with the most current information about the university's return to campus and navigating the term.  This site features resources for accommodations related to COVID-19, daily health checks, living on campus, dining on campus, events and gatherings, mental health and wellness, personal protection, recreation, testing and quarantines, transportation, and more.

  29. University Mental Health Resources

    All OSU Counseling and Consultation Services (CCS) staff were sent home to tele-commute until further notice.The CCS phone line 614-292-5766 remains available for emergency assistance 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. Students can push 2 to reach a mental health counselor at any time.

    CCS has suspended onsite and in person services, including those at embedded locations, through at least May 3, 2020.  You are still able to connect with a counselor  for a 30 minute phone or video consultation using Carmen Zoom or Skype. These consultations are offered 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM Monday through Friday in order to check in with students, problem solve, and offer support.  Students will need to share their address/location at the time of the call.

    Students can access many self-help tools that are available on the CCS website at . The CCS COVID-19 updates page linked to the website is a great resource. On that page, students will find helpful coping skills such as the mental health strategies video series. This time that can be difficult for many. All students are encouraged to check that out.

    This link also contains some great information for coping right now:

    If you encounter a suspected emergency situation with any student during this time, crisis support is available by calling CCS at 614-292-5766. If this happens with the student remotely located, please try to get as much contact information about the student such as name, phone number, OSU dot #, and address where they are currently located. If you suspect safety is at risk or compromised at that time for the student or anyone they are with, please call 9-1-1. They will help immediately regardless of where the student is physically located. After you have done one of the steps above, please let me know of the situation so that follow up contact attempts can be made with the student. Please make sure to provide me with the best way to reach you right now too.

    This is an unusual time for all of us. Please practice good self-care, social distancing, and stay safe. Additional information on Coronavirus (COVID-19) is available at . Faculty and Staff should also remember our OSU Employee Assistance Program is still available by contacting 614-292-4700 or 800-678-6269.

    A full list of available counselors in the college can be found here

  30. CFAES Mental Health Counselor

    Did you know that CFAES has hired a counselor to support the needs of their students' mental health?  Dr. Wirt holds counseling sessions in Ag Admin Room 100 four days a week and is in Lincoln Tower on Wednesday. See the attached if you’re interested in making an appointment.

  31. Handshake

    Ohio State has switched to Handshake - a modern career development platform for students to explore career employment, internships and other opportunities, based on their interests, major and skills. FisherConnect and Symplicity (CareerEngine, Hireabuckeye, FutureLink, Buckeye Careers Network) have transitioned to Handshake.

    Handshake offers many exciting new features, including:

    • Relevant feed of job and internship opportunities
    • News feed containing the latest information from career services offices and favorite employers
    • Resources specifically matching students interests

    Student accounts are preloaded and can be accessed at, using their name.# and password. Students will need to complete their profiles with details, such as work experiences, skills, interests and organizations. Next, students can explore the many resources and tools that are available in Handshake.  

  32. Portfolium Resource Page

    The College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences has renewed its partnership with and will continue to provide ALL students and faculty the opportunity to create a professional, online digital portfolio. In today’s world, employers seek evidence of career-relevant skills and competencies beyond listings on a resume. Students at all levels can easily create evidence-based credentials. In other words, attaching documents, videos, audio files, graphics, coding samples and presentations help demonstrate your knowledge and abilities.

    You should have already received your Portfolium invitation with the subject: “Access your CFAES Portfolium.” The email contains a link to activate your free verified account within the CFAES network using your Ohio State credentials.  If you missed the initial email, you can also join by using the Portfolium Resource Page.

    For more information or inquires, contact Elaine Eberlin.

  33. Network with Alumnifire

    Alumnifire is an online professional networking and mentoring tool for Ohio State alumni, students and staff to exchange industry expertise and career advice. Get connected with Alumnifire and join this powerful Buckeye network.

    Learn more here

    For questions or additional information feel free to contact us at 614-292-3314 or 800-635-8944.

  34. Animal Sciences Career Services Site

    The Career Services page on the departmental site has been redeveloped to hopefully make it more user-friendly. Check out helpful resources for building a resume, writing cover letters and more. There are resume templates that can be used to create a resume in case you don’t know where to start. In addition, there is an option for students to submit their resume and/or cover letters for review, prior to applying for internships or going to the career expo. Check it out!

  35. Job Search Sites

    Job search

    In addition to company websites, below is a list of websites that you might find helpful in your search for a full-time position, or even internship experience.

    Ag Explorer

    Handshake (the OSU Job Database)

    Animal Science Jobs

    Ag Careers 

    Continental Search (Specific for Animal Agriculture)

    Federation of Animal Science Societies (Mostly Higher-Education Animal Science Positions)

    Equistaff (Equine-Specific)

    American Association of Zoos & Aquariums 

    American Associations of Laboratory Animal Science

    American Meat Science Association

    Ohio Hiring Management Systems

    Sciences Crossing

    Kimble Group