Fine Swine has just sent out their application for internships. This internship will be from May 2020 through August 2020. Students will be working as gestation and farrowing technicians to understand the day to day operations of a commercial sow farm. Students will work on a project individually for research/education and will present their findings at one of the monthly manager meetings. They will also take part in regular intern meetings to make sure they are learning at an appropriate rate and to clarify any questions they might have.
Students will be paid $1,000 (before taxes) on the 15th and 30th of every month. On-farm clothing, boots, shampoo, and body wash will be provided. Students must have their own transportation to get to the barn. They are unable to provide housing but are more than willing to help candidates from out of state find housing for the summer.
If you have any questions regarding the internship please feel free to email Katie ( for more information.
The deadline for the application is March 20th at midnight. Late submissions will not be accepted.
The application is available here.