Student Newsletter: September 12, 2016
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Towers Agricultural Honorary
Towers Agricultural Honorary has officially opened applications for the 2016-2017 school year at Towers promotes agriculture and organizes events such as Red Cross blood drives and the Chadwick Winter Walk. Applications are due October 17th at 5pm. Please contact the Recruitment Chair, Aislinn Latham, with any questions.
Animal Sciences Clothing Order
It’s that time of year again that we are selling embroidered and screen print departmental clothing items! See the attached embroidered and screen print order forms. All orders are due by Friday, October 7th at 5:00 pm in Plumb Hall 116. The opportunity to buy clothing that represents both the University and the Department occurs just once/year, so get your apparel now!
Joint Veterinary Technology Program Information Session
All freshman and sophomore-rank students interested in applying to the joint veterinary technology program need to attend the mandatory information session that will be held on Thursday, Sept. 29th at 5:30 in Plumb Hall 102. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mariette Benage.
College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Career Expo
This career event is open to all students. Come explore what opportunities are available for both internships and full time employment. Find the full list of registered companies that is being updated daily through your Hireabuckeye account. 70 companies are attending and counting with countless opportunities for students like you.
When: Thursday, September 29 from 10:00 - 2:00 PM
Location: Fawcett Center
Please bring your Buck ID to check-in.
Free Parking!!
Don’t want to walk…ride the FREE expo shuttle from the RPAC to the CFAES Campus stop and to the Career Expo at the Fawcett Center. -
CFAES Speed Networking Event
Hosted by the CFAES Career Development Office and Alumni Engagement Office, the Speed Networking Event provides individuals the opportunity to practice their networking skills to prepare students for the FAES Career Expo. Students will meet and learn from networking mentors, comprised of alumni from the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. Along with speed rounds, there will be open networking with snacks and beverages provided.
This event will take place in Kottman Hall Lobby Wednesday September 14, 6:00 - 7:30 pm. Registration is required. For more information see the attached flyer or contact Mary McLaughlin with any questions.
Tips for the event:
Practice your self-introduction:
The mentors that will be attending this event, are regular people here to help you improve your networking skills. So, relax and make sure that you practice your 30-second introduction (elevator pitch) and have questions prepared to ask each mentor.Following are sample questions you might ask during the speed networking event:
What field/industry do you work in?
What are some pros and cons to working in that industry?
How did you break into your line of work?
Given my career interests, what advice might you provide to help me become successful?
What can I do as a student to build and maintain my professional network?
What tips, if any, do you have for the job search process?Attire for the event:
Plant to wear professional attire: such as a suit (and tie), or business casual such as dress slacks with a professional shirt, or khakis with a nice polo; women could also wear professional or business casual slacks, skirt, or dress. -
Buckeye Vet Exploration Day
The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine is pleased to announce the Buckeye Vet Exploration Day for current undergraduate students interested in pursuing a career in veterinary medicine.
Attendees will gain hands-on experience through a variety of wet labs, tour the veterinary medical center and learn about the veterinary profession, admissions and student life.
Special Appearance by: The Columbus Zoo and Aquarium
The cost is $35 per student (includes: 2 wet labs, a giveaway and lunch)
This will take place Saturday, September 24 at 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. in the Veterinary Medicine Academic Building (VMAB),
For a schedule, details and a list of wet labs, please go to:
Register online today!
Night for Young Professionals
Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow (ACT) invites you to attend Night for Young Professionals (NYP) on Tuesday, September 27 from 5:30 - 8:00 p.m. at the Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center. NYP is a FREE evening to learn the “tricks of the trade” from industry leaders from the food, agricultural, and environmental science industries. Workshop breakouts will focus on preparation for the upcoming CFAES Career Fair (September 29). Breakouts will include Resume Critique, Career Fair Cues and Clues as well as What's After the Interview. We encourage you to use this evening to network and further develop your professional skills!
A free dinner will be provided for registered participants and an opportunity to win some great giveaways, such as iPads, briefcases, professional clothing gift cards and other items to prepare you for the professional world. Take advantage of this opportunity to pass up your competition and get one step closer to your dream job or internship! For more information, contact Summer McCracken. -
Animal Welfare Judging Team
Interested in scientifically assessing animal welfare? Be a part of the undergraduate Animal Welfare Judging Team! We are competing at the Intercollegiate Animal Welfare Judging/Assessment Contest at Ohio State November 12-13. This year we will be assessing laying hens, sheep, shelter dogs, and laboratory guinea pigs with science-based resources. Many universities from the U.S. and Canada will be there to compete! No prior knowledge or experience with the species is required, and you may also sign up for 1 credit of professional development if you would like to earn course credit for this experience. Please contact Allison Pullin (pullin.4) with any questions and if you want to be involved.
Barn Manager and Loper Internship Opportunity
Looking to learn or expand your horsemanship skills through everyday barn tasks and ranch riding?
Looking to learn how to manage your own barn and/or boarding facility?
Looking to gain more experience working with and handling horses?
Arabians, Quarter horses, and stock horses.
Barn and program managing, Riding and Training, and Visit barns around central Ohio.
Internship duration: Sept- May and May - August
Contact Eddie Landry, barn manager for more information and to schedule an interview.
Cargill Dairy Internship Application
Cargill will again be looking for outstanding students that are looking for an opportunity to get a better understanding of what a Dairy Consultant does as well as to challenge themselves on doing a meaningful project during the summer of ’17. Their internship program enables you to learn more about Cargill Animal Nutrition and career opportunities for Consultants. Challenging projects, along with the chance to interact with Cargill employees and business partners, make this a valuable work experience.
Cargill Dairy Consultants are responsible for interacting with clients and prospective customers, helping them understand how Cargill can provide solutions for them and improve their profitability. Consultants typically specialize in expertise areas, which include dairy, beef, swine, and retail sales to owners of companion animals.
Below is the link for you to apply for positions available across the US.
Position Link: Dairy Sales Consultant Intern 2017 – UNI04575 -
Student Position in the OSU Laboratory Animal Resources Biomedical Research Surgical Unit
Responsibilities include cleaning, inventory, assisting with veterinary procedures and animal care. There will be many opportunities for learning animal handling and care.
Starting student wage $9/hour. They are willing to work with student class schedule for hours worked. Position is best suited for animal science major.
Interested students should send resume to: Lori Mattox, Senior Animal Health Technician. -
Ohio Cattlemen's Association Communication Position Available
The Ohio Cattlemen’s Association (OCA) is seeking applicants for a graphics design and Ohio Cattleman Managing Editor position. Applicants must be proficient in Adobe Design programs. A strong working knowledge of Adobe Illustrator, InDesign and PhotoShop is a must, as well as, excellent writing skills.
The position is responsible for production of OCA’s magazine, press releases, websites, and social media accounts, plus similar OBC responsibilities. Cattle industry background is preferred. Contact Elizabeth Harsh, Executive Director, 614-873-6736 or
For a complete position description, contact the Ohio Cattlemen’s Association at 614-873-6736 or email at or visit under position openings. To apply, mail a cover letter and resume to Elizabeth Harsh, Executive Director, Ohio Beef Council, 10600 U.S. Highway 42, Marysville, Ohio 43040. -
Job Position at QTest Labs
There is a great position available at QTest Labs as a laboratory animal technician! This is being offered for both full-time and part-time positions!
The Laboratory Animal Technician (LAT) will have the primary responsibility for overseeing the animal husbandry on a day-to-day and study-to-study basis. The LAT will perform daily animal care and daily routine cleaning of labs and offices. Additionally, the LAT will perform study-specific skill sets as required. These skill sets may be, but not limited to, study room set-up, environmental logs, animal logs, shipping and handling, data collection, and quality control of data. The LAT will be trained and signed off on all aspects of the job description, as well as the GLP’s. The LAT is responsible for reading and following all pertinent SOPs related to the job description and facility.
For more information, contact Jay Schmidt, the DIrector of Operations at QTest Labs.
Farm Manager at Dairy Teaching and Resource Center
The Michigan State University Dairy Teaching & Research Center has an opening for a Farm Manager I/Supervisor. Interested applicants apply at posting #3848.
The farm manager will manage the daily operation and maintenance of Dairy Teaching & Research Center to facilitate ongoing research goals and objectives.
For more information, see the attached position summary.
Herdsman Position at Pfeifer Dairy Farms
See the attached position announcement for a dairy herd manager position at a 500-cow dairy farm in Bucyrus, OH. The position would involve mostly working with the herd health and breeding programs. They are looking for someone with passion to work with dairy cattle and experience in a similar position who is a problem solver. For additional information, use the contact information on the announcement or contact Kent Stuckey at 419-834-0087.
College Aggies Online Scholarship Competition
Develop your communication skills, build confidence, learn from industry experts, network with students from across the country and win scholarships and prizes! College Aggies Online (CAO), an initiative of the Animal Agriculture Alliance, is a 9-week program open to college students and clubs interested in agriculture. Each week, an industry professional will lead a webinar or offer advice. Individuals will create social media posts about agriculture and clubs will carry out activities on their campus or community to engage the public about agriculture. Participants will earn points for completing assignments, attending trainings, posting on social media and holding events. The top three individuals and clubs with the most points at the end of the competition will win! The Alliance awarded more than $20,000 in scholarships, prizes and trips during last year's competition.
In addition to potentially earning prizes and scholarships, participants will build skills and confidence in using social media to promote agriculture, including how to handle negative comments and misinformation. Students will learn how to effectively engage with the public nabout agriculture and put their skills to use by completing weekly challenges. Studets will receive tricks and tips from industry professionals and gain experience in communicating in today's online world.
For more information, see the attached infographic and video. This year's competition will kick off on September 19, 2016 and students can sign up here. Contact with questions.
Upcoming Study Abroad Information Sessions
If you are interested in study abroad, make sure you check out some of these upcoming information sessions! More information about each program is available at their website or on the attached flyers below. You can also contact Kelly Newlon or Difei Shen for more information.
More information about all of our programs is available at Contact Kelly Newlon or Difei Shen for more information.
Netherlands: European Dairy Science Information Session
Examine economic forces in dairy.
Compare production and processing methods.
Experience the global nature of the industry.
Earn 3 credit hours (plus 1 for spring pre-departure class).
To learn more about this exciting opportunity, come to the information session Wednesday September 14, 2016 from 4:00 to 5:00 pm in 212 Animal Science Building! For more information contact Difei Shen or go to
CFAES Programs
For a complete list of CFAES programs, check here. If you have any questions about the programs that we offer, contact Ms. Kelly Newlon, Agricultural Administration Bldg., Room 100. 614-688-4144
University Mental Health Resources
All OSU Counseling and Consultation Services (CCS) staff were sent home to tele-commute until further notice.The CCS phone line 614-292-5766 remains available for emergency assistance 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. Students can push 2 to reach a mental health counselor at any time.
CCS has suspended onsite and in person services, including those at embedded locations, through at least May 3, 2020. You are still able to connect with a counselor for a 30 minute phone or video consultation using Carmen Zoom or Skype. These consultations are offered 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM Monday through Friday in order to check in with students, problem solve, and offer support. Students will need to share their address/location at the time of the call.
Students can access many self-help tools that are available on the CCS website at . The CCS COVID-19 updates page linked to the website is a great resource. On that page, students will find helpful coping skills such as the mental health strategies video series. This time that can be difficult for many. All students are encouraged to check that out.
This link also contains some great information for coping right now:
If you encounter a suspected emergency situation with any student during this time, crisis support is available by calling CCS at 614-292-5766. If this happens with the student remotely located, please try to get as much contact information about the student such as name, phone number, OSU dot #, and address where they are currently located. If you suspect safety is at risk or compromised at that time for the student or anyone they are with, please call 9-1-1. They will help immediately regardless of where the student is physically located. After you have done one of the steps above, please let me know of the situation so that follow up contact attempts can be made with the student. Please make sure to provide me with the best way to reach you right now too.
This is an unusual time for all of us. Please practice good self-care, social distancing, and stay safe. Additional information on Coronavirus (COVID-19) is available at . Faculty and Staff should also remember our OSU Employee Assistance Program is still available by contacting 614-292-4700 or 800-678-6269.
A full list of available counselors in the college can be found here.
CFAES Mental Health Counselor
Did you know that CFAES has hired a counselor to support the needs of their students' mental health? Dr. Wirt holds counseling sessions in Ag Admin Room 100 four days a week and is in Lincoln Tower on Wednesday. See the attached if you’re interested in making an appointment.
Portfolium Resource Page
The College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences has renewed its partnership with and will continue to provide ALL students and faculty the opportunity to create a professional, online digital portfolio. In today’s world, employers seek evidence of career-relevant skills and competencies beyond listings on a resume. Students at all levels can easily create evidence-based credentials. In other words, attaching documents, videos, audio files, graphics, coding samples and presentations help demonstrate your knowledge and abilities.
You should have already received your Portfolium invitation with the subject: “Access your CFAES Portfolium.” The email contains a link to activate your free verified account within the CFAES network using your Ohio State credentials. If you missed the initial email, you can also join by using the Portfolium Resource Page.
For more information or inquires, contact Elaine Eberlin.