Selected Abstracts
Ciambrone, C., J. M. Reddish, M. J. Alman, E. Share and K. Cole. “The Relationship of Milk Urea Nitrogen to Blood Urea Nitrogen in Quarter Horse Mares.” Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. Vol. 33, (2013): 338.
Koke, K., J. M. Reddish, E. Share and K. Cole. “Effects of Dietary Yeast Supplementation on Serum IgG(T) Concentrations in Quarter Horse Mares.” Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. Vol. 33, (2013): 396.
Share, E. R., J. M. Reddish and K. Cole. “Effects of Maternal Dietary Yeast Supplementation on Microbial Diversity in the Gastrointestinal Tracts of Their Offspring.” Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. Vol. 33, (2013): 396.
Barnhart, K., J. M. Reddish, C. Dyer, J. Saul, M. A. Coutinho da Silva and K. Cole. “Influence of Probiotics on Microflora in the Gastrointestinal and Reproductive Tracts of Horses”. Journal of Animal Science. Vol. 90, (2012): 466.
Roberts, H., J. M. Reddish and K. Cole. “Effects of Increased Body Weight on Conformation and Movement in Late Gestation Mares”. Journal of Animal Science. Vol. 90, (2012): 550.
Roberts, H., J. M. Reddish and K. Cole. “Effects of Weight Distribution on Movement of Mature Riding Horses.” Journal of Animal Science. Vol. 90, (2012): 466.
Saul, J., J. M. Reddish, K. Barnhart, C. McMahon, C. Dyer and K. Cole. “Effects of Probiotic Supplementation on Stress and Immune Responses in Horses”. Journal of Animal Science. Vol. 90, (2012): 551
Share, E. R., J. M. Reddish, C. Dyer, K. Koke, K. Barnhart, P. Sparks and K. Cole. “Prevalence of Internal Parasites and Anthelmintic Efficacy in Horses in Relation to Age, Season and Housing System”. Journal of Animal Science. Vol., 90 (2012): 465.
Nyhart, A. B., J. L. Saul, E. R. Share, J. M. Reddish, and K. Cole. “Effect of Feeding Practice on Behavior and Activity Level in Quarter Horse Mares”. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. Vol. 31, (2011): 319-320.
Saul, J. L., A. B. Nyhart, J. M. Reddish, M. Alman and K. Cole. “Effect of Feeding Practice on Glucose, Insulin and Cortisol Responses in Quarter Horse Mares”. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. Vol. 31, (2011): 299-300.
Coutinho da Silva, M.A., C. R .F. Pinto, J. M. Young and K. Cole. “The use of annexin V magnetic-activated cell sorting to separate apototic sperm from the ejaculate of stallions”. Reproduction, Fertility, and Development. Vol. 23, (2010): 110.
O’Diam K., J. Sylvester and K. Cole. “Comparison of a commercially available glucometer to a standardized laboratory method for glucose analysis in healthy horses [Abstract].Journal of Animal Science. Vol. 88 (E-Suppl. 2), (2010): 642.
Kenzig, A. R., K. M. O’Meara, C.J. Kremer, K.S. Jogan, N.E. Jack and K. Cole. “Colostral, Milk and Serum IgG Concentrations in Quarter Horse Mares and their Foals”. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. Vol. 29, (2009): 486-487.
Kremer, C. J., K. M. O’Meara, S. L. Layton, B. M. Hargis, and K. Cole. “Evaluation of Recombinant Salmonella Expressing the Flagellar Protein fliC for Enhanced Immune Responses in Commercial Turkey”. Poultry Science. Vol. 88 (E-Suppl. 1), (2009): 35.
O’Meara, K. M., C. J. Kremer, S. L. Layton, B. M. Hargis, and K. Cole. “Immunization of Turkeys with Live Attenuated Salmonella Vectors Expressing CD154”. Poultry Science. Vol. 88 (E-Suppl. 1), (2009): 12.
Hargis, B.M., S.L. Layton, D.R. Kapczynski, K. Cole, M. M. Cox, Y. M. Kwon, L. R. Berghman, K. Liljebjelke, and W. J. Bottje. “Development and evaluation of a potential universal Salmonella-vectored avian influenza vaccine”. Poultry Science. Vol. 87 (Suppl. 1), (2008): 2.
Wolfenden, R. E., S. L. Layton, A. D. Wolfenden, A. Khatiwara, G. Gaona-Ramirez, N. R. Pumford, K. Cole, Y. M. Kwon, G. Tellez, and B. M. Hargis. “Development and Evaluation of Canidate Recombinant Salmonella-Vectored Salmonella Vaccines”. Poultry Science. Vol. 87 (Suppl. 1), (2008): 54.
Cole, K., S. L. Layton, M. M. Cox, Y. M. Kwon, L. R. Berghman, W. G. Bottje, and B. M. Hargis. “Evaluation of Novel Recombinant Salmonella Vaccine Vector for Avian Influenza”. Poultry Science. Vol. 86 (Suppl. 1), (2007): 595.
Higgins, S. E., S. L. Layton, A. D. Wolfenden, K. Cole, B. M. Hargis and G. F. Erf. “In vivo Characterization of Recall Response to Antigen in Chickens Vaccinated with Attenuated Salmonella Mutants Expressing M2e Protein”. Poultry Science. Vol. 86 (Suppl. 1), (2007): 53.
Reyes-Herrera, I., K. Cole, F. Solis de los Santos, A. M. Donoghue, N. J. Stern, E. A. Svetoch, B. N. Eruslanov, V. V. Perelygin, E. V. Mitevich, I. P. Mitevich, V. P. Levchuck, M. B. Farnell, P. J. Blore and D. J. Donoghue. “Campylobacter Colonization is Reduced and Gastrointestinal Architecture is Altered in Turkey Poults Fed Bacteriocins”. Poultry Science. Vol. 86 (Suppl. 1), (2007): 382. Selected Refereed Journal Articles
Selected Refereed Journal Articles
Kremer, C. J., K. M. O’Meara, S. L. Layton, B. M. Hargis and K. Cole, “Evaluation of a Recombinant Salmonella Expressing the Flagellar Protein fliC for Persistence and Enhanced Antibody Response in Commercial Turkeys”. Poultry Science. Vol. 90, 752-758. 2011.
Layton, S. S., M. J. Morgan, K. Cole, Y. M. Kwon, D. J. Donoghue, B. M. Hargis, and N. R. Pumford, “Evaluation of Salmonella-Vectored Campylobacter Peptide Epitopes for Reduction of Campylobacter jejuni in Broiler Chickens”, Clinical and Vaccine Immunology. Vol. 18, 449-454. 2011.
O’Meara, K. M., C. J. Kremer, S. L. Layton, L. R. Berghman, B. M. Hargis, and K. Cole, “Evaluation of a Recombinant Salmonella Expressing CD154 Epitopes for Persistence and Enhanced Antibody Response in Commercial Turkeys”, Poultry Science. Vol. 89, 1399-1405. 2010.
Wolfenden, R. E., S. L. Layton, A. D Wolfenden, A. Khatiwara, G. Gaona-Ramirez, N. R. Pumford, K. Cole, Y. M.Kwon, G. Tellez, L. R. Berghman, and B. M. Hargis, “Development and Evaluation of Candidate Recombinant Salmonella-Vectored Salmonella Vaccines”, Poultry Science. Vol. 89, 2370-2379. 2010.
Layton, S. L., D. R. Kapczynski, S .Higgins, A. D. Wolfenden, K. A. Liljebjelke, W. G. Bottje, D. Swayne, L. R. Berghman, Y. M. Kwon, B. M. Hargis, and K. Cole, “Vaccination of Chickens with Recombinant Salmonella Ezpressing M2e and CD154 Epitopes Increases Protection and Decreases Viral Shedding after Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza Challenge”, Poultry Science. Vol. 88, 2244-2252. 2009.
Cox, M. M., Latyton, T Jiang, K. Cole, B. M. Hargis, L. R. Berghman, W. G. Bottje, and T. M. Kwon, “Scarless and Site-Directed Mutagenesis in Salmonella enteritidis Chromosome”. BMC Biotechnology. Vol. 7, 59-69. 2007.
Cole, K., A.M. Donoghue, N. Rath, and D.J. Donoghue. “Efficacy of Iron Chelators to Reduce Campylobacter in Turkey Semen”. Poultry Science. Vol. 85, 1462-1465. 2006.
Cole, K., M.B. Farnell, A.M. Donoghue, N.J. Stern, E.A. Svetoch, B.N. Eruslanov, Y.N. Kovalev, V.V. Perelygin, V.P. Levchuck, I. Reyes-Herrera, P.J. Blore and D.J. Donoghue. “Bacteriocins Reduce Campylobacter Colonization and Alter Gut Morphology in Turkey Poults”. Poultry Science. Vol. 85. 1570-1575. 2006.
Farnell, M.B., A.M. Donoghue, F. Solis de los Santos, I. Reyes-Herrera, K. Cole, M.L.S. Dirain, P.J. Blore, K. Pandya, and D.J. Donoghue, “Effect of Oral Administration of Bismuth Compounds on Campylobacter Colonization in Broilers”. Poultry Science. Vol. 85, 2009-2011. 2006.
Farnell, M.B., A.M. Donoghue, K. Cole, I. Reyes-Herrera, P.J. Blore, and D.J. Donoghue, “Campylobacter Susceptibility to Ciprofloxacin and Corresponding Fluoroquinolone Concentrations within the Gastrointestinal Tracts of Chickens”. Journal of Applied Microbiology. Vol. 99, 1043-1050. 2006.
Reyes-Herrera, I., M. J. Schneider, K. Cole, M. B. Farnell, P. J. Blore and D. J. Donoghue, “Concentrations of Antibiotic Residues Vary Between Different Edible Muscle Tissues in Poultry”. Journal of Food Protection. Vol. 68, 2217-2219. 2005.
Cole, K., A.M. Donoghue, P.J. Blore, and D.J. Donoghue, “Isolation and Prevalence of Campylobacter in the Reproductive Tracts and Semen of Commercial Turkeys”. Avian Diseases. Vol. 48, 625-630. 2004.
Cole, K., J.S. Holliman, P.J. Blore, A.M. Donoghue, N.A. Cox, M.T. Musgrove, and D.J. Donoghue, “Effects of Aeration and Storage Temperature on Campylobacter Concentrations in Poultry Semen”. Poultry Science. Vol. 83, 1734-1738. 2004.
Donoghue, A.M., P.J. Blore, K.Cole, N.M. Loskutoff, and D.J. Donoghue, “Detection of Campylobacter or Salmonella in Turkey Semen and the Ability of Poultry Semen Extenders to Reduce Their Concentrations”. Poultry Science. Vol. 83, 1728-1733. 2004.