Book Chapters
Davis, M. E., Wick, M. P., Maqivar, M. G. 2012. Hormonal regulation of feed efficiency In Feed Efficiency in the Beef Industry. Edited by Hill, RA. Hoboken NJ: Wiley.
Journal Articles
Castada, H. Z., Polentz, V., Barringer, S., Wick, M. 2017. Temperature-dependent Henry’s law constants of 4-alkyl-branched chain fatty acids and 3-methylindole in an oil-air matrix and analysis of volatiles in lamb fat using selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry (SIFT-MS).
Frelka, J. C., Phinney, D. M., Wick, M. P. Heldman, D. R. 2017 Reverse Stability Kinetics of Meat Pigment Oxidation in Aqueous Extract from Fresh Beef. Journal of Food Science 82(12):2910-2914,
Castada, H. Z., Barringer, S., Wick, M. 2017. Gas phase chemical ionization of 4-alkyl-branched chain carboxylic acids and 3-methylindole using H3O+, NO+, and O2+ ions. Rapid Comm. Mass Spetromc. 31:1641–1650.
Griffin, J., Lilburn, M. S., Wick, M. 2017. Onset of white striping and progression into wooden breast as defined by myopathic changes underlying Pectoralis major growth. Estimation of growth parameters as predictors for stage of myopathy progression. Avian Path. DOI: 10.1080/03079457.2017.1356908.
Popovski Z. T., Kwasek, K., Wojno, M., Dabrowski, K., Wick, M. 2017 Identification and partial characterization of a sex specific protein in Koi Carp (Cyprinus carpio haematopterus). Acta Veterinaria, 67 (2), 285-291.
Griffin, J., St-Pierre, N., Lilburn, M. S., Wick, M. 2017. Transcriptional Comparison of Embryonic Myogenesis in Leghorn and Low Score Normal Embryos. Poult. Sci. 96 (6):1531–1543.
Popovski, Z. T., M. Wick, A. Tufekchievski, S. Gjorgjievski, T. Nestorovski, A. Aceski. 2016. Molecular-genetic predictions in selection of sport talents and ethical aspect of their application. Res Phys Ed., Sport and Health. 5(1):57-63.
Kwasek, K., Dabrowski, K., Nynca, Takata, R., J., Wojno, M., Wick, M. 2014. The Influence of Dietary Lysine on Yellow Perch Female Reproductive Performance and the Quality of Eggs, N. Am. J. Aqua. 76:4, 351-358.
Kwasek, K., Dabrowski, K., Nynca, J., Wojno, M., Wick, M. 2014. The influence of dietary lysine on Yellow Perch maturation and the quality of sperm. N. Am. J. Aqua. 76:2, 119-126
Diaz, H. L., Barr, K. N., Godden, K. R., Plank, J. E., Zapata, I., Schappacher, A. N., Wick, M. P. L. Firkins, J. L. 2014. Eukaryotic inhibitors or activators elicit responses to chemosensory compounds by ruminal isotrichid and entodiniomorphid protozoa. J. Dairy Sci. 97:2254-2269.
Choi, Y. M., Shin, S., Wick, M. P., Choe, J. H., Lee, K. 2013. Muscle fiber characteristics of pectoralis major muscle as related to muscle mass in different Japanese quail lines. Animal. 7:1665-1670.
Choi, Y. M., Shin, S., Wick, M. P., Lee, K. 2013. Comparative growth performance in different Japanese quail lines: The effect of muscle fiber DNA content and morphology. Poult Sci. 92:1870–1877.
Choi, Y.M.; Nam, K.W.; Choe, J.H.; Ryu, Y.C.; Wick, M.P.; Lee, K.; Kim, B.C. 2013. Growth, carcass, fiber type, and meat quality characteristics in Large White pigs with different live weights. Livestock Sci. 1:123-129
Zapata, I., Wick, M. 2012. Electrophoresis Based Proteomics Meat Animal Research. Food Technol Biotechnol. 50:261-269.
Zapata, I., Reddish, J. M., Miller, M. A., Lilburn, M. S., Wick, M. 2012. Comparative proteomic characterization of the sarcoplasmic proteins in the pectoralis major and supracoracoideus breast muscles in 2 chicken genotypes. Poult Sci. 91(7):1654 – 1659.
Huffman, K. Zapata, I., Reddish, J. M., Lilburn, M. S., Wick, M. 2012. Feed restriction delays developmental fast skeletal muscle MyHC isoforms in turkey poults selected for differential growth. Poultry Sci. 91:3178–3183
Kwasek, K., Terova, G., Wojno, M., Dabrowski, K., Wick, M. 2012. The effect of dietary dipeptide lysine-glycine on growth, muscle proteins, and intestine PepT1 gene expression in juvenile yellow perch. Rev Fish Biol Fisheries. 22:797-812.
Kwasek, K., Dabrowski, K., Ware, K., Reddish, J. M., Wick, M. 2012. The effect of lysine-supplemented wheat gluten based diet on yellow perch Perca flavescens (Mitchill) performance. Aquacult. Res. 43:1384–1391
Lee, A., Suh, Y., Wick, M. P., Lee, K. 2012. Temporal myosin heavy chain isoform expression transitions faster in broiler chickens compared with Single Comb White Leghorns. Poult. Sci. 91:2872–2876.
Zapata, I., Reddish, J. M., Lilburn, M. S., Wick, M. 2011. Multivariate evaluation of 1-dimensional sarcoplasmic protein profile patterns of turkey breast muscle during early post-hatch development. Poult. Sci. 90:2828–2836.
Reddish, J. M., Ye, W., Lin, Y. C., Wick, M. 2010. (−)-Gossypol containing hen sera and a myosin (−)-gossypol conjugate reduces the proliferation of MCF-7 cells. Anticancer Res. 30:439-444.
Shin, J., Velleman, S. G., Latshaw, J. D., Wick, M. P., Suh, Y., Lee, K. 2009. The ontogeny of delta-like protein 1 messenger ribonucleic acid expression during muscle development and regeneration: comparison of broiler and Leghorn chickens. J. Poult. Sci. 88:1427-1437.
Shin, J., Bae, R., Latshaw, J. D., Wick, M. P., Reddish, J. M., Lee, K. 2009. A gene delivery system in the embryonic cells of avian species using a human adenoviral vector. J. Anim. Sci. 87:2791-2795.
Zapata, I., Zerby, H., Wick, M. 2009. Functional proteomic analysis predicts beef tenderness and the tenderness differential. J. Agric. Food Chem. 57:4956–4963.
Reddish, J. M., St-Pierre, N., Nichols, A., Green-Church, K., Wick, M. 2008. Proteomic analysis of proteins associated with body mass and length in Yellow Perch, Perca flavescens. Proteomics. 8:2333–2343.
Dodson, M. V., Kinkel, A., Vierck, J. L., Cain, K., Wick, M., Ottobre, J. 2008. Unidentified cells reside in fish skeletal muscle. Cytotechnology. 56:171–178.
Updike, M. S., Sawdy, J. C., Wang, L., Liu, S., Huang, Y., Ye., W., Farrar, W. B., Lin, Y. C., Wick, M. 2007. Primary cultured human breast epithelial cells upregulate protein disulfide isomerase in response to Zeranol. Anticancer Res. 27:407-410.
Updike, M. S., Zerby, H. N., Sawdy, J. C., Lilburn, M. S., Kaletunc, G., Wick, M. P. 2006. Proteins associated with thermally-induced gelation of turkey breast meat. J. Food Sci. Nov-Dec. E398 - 402.
Reddish, J. M., Wick, M., St-Pierre, N. R., Lilburn, M. S. 2005. Analysis of myosin isoform transitions during growth and development in diverse chicken genotypes. Poult. Sci. 84:1729-1734.
Updike, M. S., Zerby, H. N., Sawdy, J. C., Lilburn, M. S., Kaletunc, G., Wick, M. P. 2005. Turkey breast meat functionality differences among turkeys selected for body weight and/or breast yield. Meat Sci. 71:706-712.
Reddish, J. M., Latshaw, D., St-Pierre, N. R., Pretzman, C., Wick, M. 2005. Myosin heavy chain isoform expression is not altered in the Pectoralis major muscle in selenium deficient chickens recovering from exudative diathetic myopathy. Poult. Sci. 84:462-466.
Updike, M. S., Davis, M. E., Wang, L. S., Huang, Y. W., Wick, M., Lin, Y. C. 2005. Decreased MCF-7 breast cancer cell proliferation by serum from a selected line of beef cattle. Anticancer Res. 25:871-874.
Wick, M., Reddish, J. M., St-Pierre, N. R., Lilburn, M. S. 2003 Biochemical analyses of muscles from poultry bred for rapid growth. Poult. Sci. 82:1980–1984.
Sawdy, J. C. Wick, M., Kaiser, S. A., St-Pierre, N. R. 2004 Myofibrillar 1-D fingerprints and myosin heavy chain MS analyses of beef loin at 36 h postmortem correlated with tenderness at 7 days. Meat Sci. 67:421-426.
Reiser, P.J., Wick, M., Pretzman, C. I. 2004. Cardiac myosin heavy chain polymorphism in Sprague Dawley rats. Electrophoresis 25:389–395.
Wick, M. P., Velleman, S. G., Coy, C. S., McFarland, D. C., Pretzman, C. I., St-Pierre, N. R., Sawdy, J. C. 2003 Ventricular myosin heavy chain isoform expression is altered in vitro in low score normal chickens. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., A. 136:401-408.
Wick, M. 2002. Protein functionality associated with turkey breast meat. Turkeys 50:21-24.
Li, C., Wick, M., Marriott, N. G., McClure, K. E. 2001. Dietary Intake of Vitamin E Affects the Peroxide Value of Subcutaneous Lamb Fat. J. Mus. Foods. 12:237-243.
Li, C. T., Wick, M. 2001. Improvement of the physicochemical properties of pale soft and exudative (PSE) meat products with an extract from mechanical deboned turkey meat (MDTM). Meat Sci. 58:189-195.
Velleman, S. G., Coy, C. S., Gannon, L., Wick, M., McFarland, D. C. 2000. β1 Integrin expression during normal and Low Score Normal avian myogenesis. Poultry Sci. 79:1179-1182.
Wick, M. 1999. Filament assembly properties of the sarcomeric myosin heavy chain. Poultry Sci. 78:735-742.
Wick, M., Marriott, N. G. 1999. The relationship of the sarcomeric architecture to meat tenderness Rec. Res. Adv. Food Ag. Chem. 3:515-533.
Ramirez, J. A., Bandman, E., Wick, M., Martin-Polo, M. O. 1998. Monoclonal antibodies as a tool for studying the protein-structure relationship in fish myosin. Ciencia y Tecnologia de los Alimentos de Galicia. 2:6-11.
Rosser, B. W. C., Wick, M., Waldbillig, D. M., Bandman, E. 1998. Expression of myosin heavy chain isoforms during development of domestic pigeon pectoralis muscle. Int. J. Dev. Biol. 42:653-661.
Chen Q., Moore, L. A., Wick, M., Bandman, E. 1997. Identification of a genomic locus containing three slow myosin heavy chain genes in the chicken BBA-Gene Struct. Expr. 1353:148-156.
Bandman, E., Arrizubieta, M. J., Wick, M., Hattori, A., Tablin, F., Zhang, S., Zhang, Q. 1997. Functional analysis of the chicken sarcomeric myosin rod: Regulation of dimerization, solubility, and fibrillogenesis. Cell Struct. Funct. 22:131-137.
M. Wick, Tablin, F. Bandman, E. 1997. The effects of anti-LMM antibodies on the solubility of chicken skeletal myosin. J. Food Biochem. 20:79-95.
Rosser, B. W. C., Wick, M., Waldbillig, D. M., Bandman, E. 1997. Heterogeneity of myosin heavy chain expression in fast-twitch fiber types of mature avian pectoralis muscle. Biochem. Cell Biol. 74:715-28.
Rosser, B. W. C., Waldbillig, D. M., Wick, M., Bandman, E. 1994. Muscle fiber types in the pectoralis of the white pelican, a soaring bird. Acta Zool. 75:329-336.
Bourke, D.L., Wylie, S. R., Wick, M., Bandman, E. 1991. Differentiating skeletal muscle cells initially express a ventricular myosin heavy chain. Basic Appl. Myol. 1:16-26.
Thick Filament Assembly. 2013. Invited Presentation to the Macedonian Academy of Sciencies. Skopje, Macedonia.
How to Assemble a Thick Filament. 2013. Invited Presentation Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje, Macedonia.
How to Assemble a Thick Filament. 2013. Invited Presentation Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Powerful Tools for Educational and Scientific Cooperation Between the US and Foreign Institutions. 2013. Invited Presentation Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje, Macedonia.
Women in Science A historical Perspective. 2012. In Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists. Las Vegas, NV.
Proteomics in meat science. 2011. In5th International conference on the quality and safety in food production chain. Wraclaw Poland.
UNAAB Molecular Techniques Workshop. 2010. In UNAAB Biotechniques Center of Excellence.
Functional and Proteomic Analyses of Turkey Breast Meat. 2004. National Poultry Breeder Roundtable. St. Louis, MO.
Temporal expression of the myosin heavy chains in turkey muscle growth. 2002. 25th Technical Turkey Conference. Edinbourough Scotland.
Effects of new processing methods on food proteins. 2000. 14th Annual J. R. Brunner Protein Symposium. East Lansing, MI.