Eastridge, M.L., R.A. Starkey, P.N. Gott, E.R. Oelker, A.R. Sewell, B. Mathew, and J.L. Firkins. 2017. Dairy cows fed equivalent concentrations of forage neutral detergent fiber from corn silage, alfalfa hay, wheat straw, and corn stover had similar milk yield and total tract digestibility. Anim. Feed Sci. Tech. 225:81-86.
Pempek, J. A., M. L. Eastridge, K. L. Proudfoot. 2017. The effect of a furnished individual hutch pre-weaning on calf behavior, response to novelty, and growth. J. Dairy Sci. 100:4807-4817.
Stevens, K.D., M. L. Eastridge, K. M. Daniels, S. K. Finney, S. N. LeShure, and J. L. Firkins. 2017. Effect of oral administration of Megasphaera elsdenii on performance of Holstein cows during early lactation. Prof. Animal Scientist 33:120-126.
Shaw, C.N., M. Kim, M. L. Eastridge, and Z. Yu. 2016. Effects of different sources of physically effective fiber on rumen microbial populations. Animal 10(3):410–417.
Pempek, J.A., M.L. Eastridge, S.S. Swartzwelder, K.M. Daniels, and T.T. Yohe. 2015. Housing system may affect behavior and growth performance of Jersey heifer calves. J. Dairy Sci. 99:569–578.
Hall, M.B., and M.L. Eastridge. 2014. Symposium: Applied Nutrition of Ruminants – Current Status and Future Directions: Carbohydrate and fat: Considerations for energy and more. Prof. Animal Sci. 30:140–149.
Bowen Yoho, W.S., V.A. Swank, M.L. Eastridge, K.M. O’Diam, and K.M. Daniels. 2013. Jersey calf performance in response to high-protein, high-fat liquid feeds with varied fatty acid profile: Intake and performance. J. Dairy Sci. 96:2494-2506.
Pempek, J.A., M. L. Eastridge, N. A. Botheras, C. C. Croney, and W. S. Bowen Yoho. 2013. Effects of alternative housing and feeding systems on the behavior and performance of dairy heifer calves. Professional Animal Scientist 29:278-288.
Swank, V.A., W.S. Bowen Yoho, K.M. O’Diam, M.L. Eastridge, A.J. Niehaus, and K.M. Daniels. 2013. Jersey calf performance in response to high-protein, high-fat liquid feeds with varied fatty acid profiles: Blood metabolites and liver gene expression. J. Dairy Sci. 96:3845-3856.
Reveneau, C., C. V. D. M. Ribeiro, M. L. Eastridge, and J. L. Firkins. 2012. Interaction of unsaturated fat or coconut oil with monensin in lactating dairy cows fed 12 times daily. II. Fatty acid flow to the omasum and milk fatty acid profile. J. Dairy Sci. 95:2061-2069.