Profile TabsProfileWilliam F. PopeProfessor Emerituspope.2@osu.eduProfessional InformationDegrees & Credentials: BS University of WisconsinMS Oregon State UniversityPhD Oregon State University while at USMARC, Clay Center, NebraskaPost Doc Cornell University, University of WisconsinInterests & Expertise: SheepSwineBiography: Research and/or Outreach Interests Research interests have been related to embryonic survival in a variety of farm species. The preponderance of animal modeling has been swine as this species experiences substantial embryonic loss. Investigating embryonic survival includes both attempting to understand the actual biochemical nature of competition among littermate concepti and earlier, normal physiological events within the ovaries and uterus that preset subsequent interactions between neighboring concepti. Historically, these investigational techniques have ranged from novel hormone therapies to time-specific immuno-imaging to gene expression. Teaching Two non-overlapping courses are taught by Dr. Pope; Introductory Physiology and Management Intensive Grazing. WorksSelected Refereed Journal Articles H. Cárdenas and W. F. Pope. 2012. Amounts of an estrogen receptor β isoform increased in the theca of preovulatory follicles of sheep. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 131:143-151. - Any -Journal articleBook/book chapterReportWorking paperPolicy briefPresentationData