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- PhD Doctor of Philosophy
- MS Master of Science
- Virologist
- Microbiologist
- Immunologist
- Food Safety Specialist
- Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases Specialist
- One Health and Public Health Specialist
The Center for Food Animal Health (CFAH) Graduate studies is led by nationally and internationally renowned faculty. They are engaged in research on food animal health, training of graduate students and outreach activities. The CFAH research focuses primarily on respiratory and enteric diseases, the major causes of disease loss affecting production animals. An additional research focus is on zoonotic diseases, including animal models for human disease, and food-borne pathogens of food safety concern.
Our graduate studies prepare students for research and leadership roles in academic and government institutions and the private sector as well as policy development pertaining to one health and public health issues, sustainable animal agriculture, and more. Programs of graduate study leading to the Master of Science (MS) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) are available. CFAH maintains a strong research portfolio relevant to focused, innovative and highly productive research that is nationally and internationally recognized for excellence. Through outreach, we expect the student to positively contribute to the wellbeing of food animals and humans. Students are expected to complete a research project and thesis, present their work at scientific meetings and publish their results in peer-reviewed publications.
CFAH laboratories have state-of-the art equipment and students have access to all OSU research cores and equipment. Our animal facilities include a unique Plant and Animal Agrosecurity Research (PAAR) facility, one of only 5 facilities in the United States, equipped to support research with food animals under biosafety level 3 containment.
In addition, CFAR maintains one of only a few germ-free animal facilities worldwide for procurement of germfree piglets and calves for disease and microbiome research . Specific pathogen free chicken and turkey flocks are also maintained for poultry disease research.
Student or faculty quote about graduate program with supplemental image
“CFAH trains students in cutting edge research combining fundamental science with animal model validation in a wholistic approach to basic and translational studies”.