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Department of Animal Sciences



Search results

  1. A Profile of Miami County Agriculture

    937-440-3945   Miami County is situated in the west central part of Ohio. It covers about 407 square miles or ...

  2. Mowing Lawns

    cut. Height of cut.- mow high, usually about 3 inches. Frequency.- mow frequent enough to avoid clumps ...

  3. Postemergence Control of Giant Ragweed in Soybeans

    Knowledge about the response of a population to glyphosate in previous years can be extremely helpful in ... glyphosate application in about 3 weeks can improve control where plants emerge later or are not controlled ... about 3 weeks after the first if needed for late-emerging plants or plants that regrow after the first ...

  4. OSU Extension Programs Target Livestock Forage Management

    straw and other low quality forages as a source of feed, and making annual forages the traditional ...

  5. Cooked Sausage HACCP Plan Examples

    plan- annually by HACCP team. Pre-shipment review- each batch. Monitoring & Verification (meat ... Check the checker- each batch by manager, supervisor, or trained designee. Reassess plan- annually by ... checker- each batch by manager, supervisor, or trained designee. Reassess plan- annually by HACCP team. ...

  6. Weather Outlook for the Last Half of September

    the 70s and lows in the 50s. Rainfall- Near Normal (0.5-1.5 inches)- Normal is about 0.6 inches per ...

  7. Weed Science Day


  8. OSU Extension to Hold a Baitfish Culture Workshop, Nov. 12

    and Fisheries Department, will present "Growing an Aquaculture Industry – Lessons from ...

  9. Plant Resistance to Soybean Aphid Found in Ohio

    issue of Crop Science. The soybean aphid, first discovered in Ohio in 2001, is a sapsucker whose ... away" from the plant or populations would die off. "We don't know what it is about PI 243540 ... know about the biotype variations and current genetic work, we just don't think cultivars with the ...

  10. A New Voice for Ohio Dairy Producers

    Tim Demland, Additional information about Ohio Dairy Producers   Over the course of time, ... 523-6294 or You can also get more information about the Ohio Dairy Producers on the web ...
