CFAES Give Today

Department of Animal Sciences



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  1. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-01

    upcoming year. Our first broadcast of 2006 will be on January 18th beginning at 6p.m. Broadcast via web to ...

  2. Archive 2007 2008

    Undergraduate Awards and Recognition     December 2008- Amanda J. Hayes B.S. Agriculture Magna Cum ... State_______ December 5, 2007 Kara Riggs Summer research with Dr. Coralie Halls and Dr. Oliver Yu at the Donald ...

  3. OEFFA's 35th Annual Congress

    Ohio's largest sustainable agriculture conference will feature keynote speakers, approximately 100 workshops with several taught by OSU Extension Educators, local and organic meals, a kids' conference, childcare, a trade show, and Saturday eveni ...

  4. CD Wire- March 19, 2013

    are fine-tuning the details for the full day’s agenda and look forward to an informative, productive, ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-30

    application until after a frost. We have applied as late as early December for control of winter annual weeds, ... Making a 3rd cutting during the fall is less risky than making a 4th cutting in the fall, because a 3-cut ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-14

    seedbeds. Switch to an adapted short season hybrid. Although a full season hybrid may still have a yield ... heading control scab? A6: Application at full head emergence (Feekes 10.5) will provide some level of scab ...

  7. ADA 25th Anniversary Celebration

    Details here. ...

  8. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-27

    Agronomy Field Day August 26th Those yellow beans ARE NOT all SDS Authors: Anne Dorrance Driving around the ... message to: Tri-County Agronomy Field Day August 26th ...

  9. Tips to Put Damaged Pastures Back into Production

    20th," said Lewandowski. "After about eight weeks of growth, or towards the end of June, producers ...

  10. OARDC Breaks Ground for Unique Ag Safety Research Facility

    thanks to U.S. Rep. John Boccieri (16th District, which includes Wooster) and his predecessor, former ...
