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Since 2010, the Waterman Farm Education and Demonstration 319 Project has leveraged $300,000 in additional state and federal funding
The Waterman Farm 319 Demonstration and Education project, in particular, the two-stage ditch, has successfully leveraged nearly $300,000 in additional state and regional funding for research, education, and outreach on two-stage channels and alternative ...
International EcoSummit Features Waterman Farm Two-Stage Ditch
Waterman Farm was a featured stop for the International Ecosummit field tour on stream restoration practices in October 2012. Dr. Andy Ward led the Waterman portion of the tour explaining the benefits of two-stage ditches. Dr. Jonathan Witter presented th ...
Annual Congressional Assistant's Tour comes to Waterman Farm
In August 2012, more than 20 legislative aids, adminstrative personnel and congressional assistant held their annual tour on the Columbus campus at Ohio State University. The tour had a focus on Lake Erie and phosphorous issues in Ohio. The tour stopped a ...
Waterman Farm Two-Stage Ditch the Cover Story in Ohio Farmer Magazine
Ohio State's Waterman Farm two-stage ditch was featured as the cover page story in Ohio Farmer Magazine in July 2012 under the title Double Ditching. Statewide circulation of Ohio Farmer is 20,000. ...
Federation of Soil and Water Conservation District Orientation for New Employees
Between May 2012 and June 2012, three separate field tours were conducted at Ohio State's Waterman Farm for nearly 75 new USDA-NRCS employees from more than 10 states. The field tour demonstrated innovative agricultural best management practices incl ...
Ohio Stormwater Conference comes to Ohio State's Waterman Farm
In May 2012, the Waterman Farm Two-Stage Ditch was a featured stop on the tour of stream restoration projects in central Ohio as a water quality best management practice with application in both rural and urban environments. ...
Waterman Farm Two-Stage Ditch Featured in Great Lakes Regional Water Program Event
In September 2011 researchers, educuators, land improvement contractors and state and federal government employees from Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Minnesota, and Iowa met at The Ohio State University to tour Waterman Farm's two-stage ditch in an effort ...
Developing Ohio's Livestock Care Standards~Lessons from New Jersey?
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SENR's Professor Sharp on All Sides with Ann Fisher Today
In the second hour of All Sides with Ann Fisher on WOSU (89.7 fm) Professor Sharp will be one of three guests discussing modern rural renewal. ...
Shared Visions, Future Challenges: A Mental Models Study of Three Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Programs
A Graduate Defense Seminar will be presented by Emily G. Hutchins, MS Candidate in Environmental Social Sciences, on Friday, April 24 th at 2:00 p.m. in 382 Kottman Hall. Emily will present Shared Visions, Future Challenges: A Mental Models Study of Three ...