CFAES Give Today

Department of Animal Sciences



Search results

  1. ‘Tackling Critical Issues in Today’s Society’: CFAES and the Discovery Themes

    Dean Bruce McPheron hosted a reception and discussion focusing on the college’s engagement with Ohio State’s Discovery Themes. College faculty serving in leadership roles shared updates and insights on the work and future plans of their teams. Attending t ...

  2. ATI dairy cattle team takes first in Pennsylvania

    The Ohio State ATI Dairy Cattle Judging team turned in an excellent performance at the Pennsylvania All-American Dairy Show in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, on Sept. 15.  ...

  3. Environmental film series

    Students from Ohio State and members of the broader community will screen and discuss  six weekly environmental films  with university and local experts in October and November. ...

  4. Save the Date for Homecoming 2016

    Save the date for the 2016 Homecoming Weekend and CFAES Fallfest- September, 30- October 2, 2016!  We hope you plan to come back and celebrate your Ohio State experience.  More information regarding Homecoming will be available in the summer.  To stay con ...

  5. CFAES Student Elected National FFA Officer

    Congratulations to Sydney Snider, a CFAES agricultural communication major from Moscow, Ohio, on being named eastern region vice president for FFA. She’ll serve on the 2015-16 National FFA Officer team, along with students from Arkansas, Tennessee, Iowa, ...

  6. CFAES Career Expos draw large crowds

    Students and employers met this fall on the Columbus and Wooster campuses to attend Career Expos  hosted by CFAES’s  Academic Programs  office. Employer and student participation was as follows: Construction Career Expo, Sept. 29 55 companies represented. ...

  7. Upcoming Opportunity- OSU Environmental Professionals Network

    Please join us for the upcoming Environmental Professionals Network events: Challenges and opportunities for agricultural land use, food systems, sustainability and climate change to be discussed by national leaders The next monthly OSU Environmental Prof ...

  8. Celebrating the Career of OARDC Director Steve Slack

    Wooster campus hosted a celebration Dec. 14 for Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center director Steve Slack for his more than 40 years of faculty and administrative service and 16 years as OARDC director.  ...

  9. New Alumni Ticket Process for 2016

    Sustaining Members are the engines of The Ohio State University Alumni Association. Based on member feedback, we have made changes to the alumni football ticket lottery, beginning with the 2016 football season.  ...

  10. Save the Date- CFAES Spring Game Tailgate

    SAVE THE DATE! 2016 CFAES Alumni Spring Game Tailgate April 16, 2016 ~ 10:30 a.m.- 1 p.m. Expect many family-friendly activities at this new event on the CFAES Columbus campus, to be held prior to kickoff of The Ohio State Buckeyes Spring Football Game at ...
