Cover Letters
What is a Cover Letter?
A cover letter is an accompanying letter that serves as the introduction to your résumé. No résumé should be sent without one. The cover letter is individualized for each position for which you are applying. It is an extension of your résumé and reflects your knowledge of the employer’s needs.
The purpose of the cover letter is to introduce yourself to an organization, demonstrate your interest in the company or a specific vacancy, draw attention to your résumé and motivate the reader to interview you. Often this letter is the first contact you have with a prospective employer. A neat, concise, well-written letter can entice the employer to read your résumé with greater interest and will improve your chances of getting an interview.
Cover letters typically follow a specific format. To the right, you will find a formula to follow when writing a cover letter, as well as example cover letters created by the Department of Animal Sciences.
Are you interested in having your cover letter reviewed by our career services team? Submit your cover letter here in Word document form (no PDF’s please) from your Buckeye Mail account. Emails coming from an outside source (non-OSU account) will not be opened.